Green Legacy Focus on Indigenous Species Vital to Maintain Ecosystem: EBI
Aug 3, 2024 621
Addis Ababa August 3/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative, which has won significant local and international recognition, focused on planting indigenous species to maintain the country's biodiversity and the long-term sustainability of its diverse ecological landscape, Ethiopian Bio diversity Institute (EBI) told ENA. Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative, launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019, has seen planting of seedlings in billions. Director General of the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI), Melese Maryo said the Green Legacy Initiative initially encouraged planting of various tree species to combat deforestation and climate change. The EBI has since then emphasized the importance of indigenous trees over exotic species, he said. "At the beginning, people planted any available seedlings, but now we are promoting the importance of indigenous trees rather than exotic species," the director general said. This increases both the number and types of plants, expanding forest cover, he said, adding the expansion of forest cover significantly contributes to biodiversity enhancement as our planet's beauty and life depend on plant life. By drawing from international experiences, the director general cited an example from Pretoria, South Africa, where the replacement of exotic trees with indigenous ones led to the resurgence of streams and springs. "Indigenous tree species are well adapted through evolutionary processes to the local environmental conditions, utilizing limited water compared to exotic ones," he explained. The director general stressed that indigenous trees mitigate climate change impacts by preserving water resources and preventing desertification. Acknowledging the utility of some fast-growing exotic species for timber production and other purposes, he reiterated the need for indigenous trees for biodiversity conservation. According to him, EBI has significantly increased its propagation of indigenous trees, from one million to four million today. "This is a great achievement for us," he remarked. Historically, Ethiopia boasted of its forest coverage of 60% of its total land area. Over time, this verdant expanse dwindled to 40%, and in recent memory to 3 %, with a combination of anthropogenic and natural factors. However, the Green Legacy Initiative, has made a turnaround. Over the past six years, over 32 billion seedlings have been planted, including numerous indigenous species through concerted public efforts. Consequently, Ethiopia's forest cover has rebounded to 23.6%. In this year's Green Legacy Initiative, under the slogan, " the institute has prepared nearly four million indigenous seedlings, including species like Kosso, birbira, Ethiopian Juniper, and bamboo, he said. These seedlings have been distributed across nine centers under the institute and to other organizations. The 2024 Green Legacy Initiative was launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on June 29 in Hayk town, South Wollo Zone, with plans of planting over 7.5 billion seedlings. The initiative continues to make significant strides in reversing biodiversity loss and promoting ecological restoration across Ethiopia.  
Africa Needs to Collaborate to Harness Opportunities in Carbon Trading: Environmental Issues Chair
Jul 24, 2024 2593
Addis Ababa, July 24/2024(ENA)- African countries need to collaborate and take decisive action to harness the potential opportunities in carbon trading, Environmental Issues Permanent Representatives Subcommittee Chair Harold Bundu Saffa said. The chair made the remark at the Africa Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Carbon Markets, underway at the African Union Headquarters here in Addis Ababa.   The overall goal of the conference is to provide a platform for the African continent to deliberate on carbon markets, the approaches and opportunities they present, the threats they pose and possible options the continent can explore, taking into consideration its circumstances. Speaking on the occasion, Saffa said Africa finds itself at a critical juncture where economic development must align with the imperative to address a rapidly changing climate. The African continent is not the primary driver of the global climate crisis, yet it disproportionately bears the burden of its consequences, he added. Africa faces prolonged droughts, erratic rainfall patterns, soaring temperatures, and intensified extreme weather events, all posing existential threats to food security, water resources, and the livelihood of countless communities. Compounding these pressing challenges is the stark reality of insufficient climate finance, which limits the continent's ability to effectively address the multifaceted climate crisis, the chair elaborated. The African region has the potential to leverage its rich natural resources to unlock economic value, accelerate sustainable industrialization, and promote economic transformation and diversification. Therefore, this conference provides a crucial platform for Africa to collaborate and catalyze action in harnessing the potential opportunities in carbon trading. He hoped that the conference will ensure that Africa receive fair pricing for its carbon in global credit markets and develops markets based on African principles and priorities rather than foreign ontologies or epistemologies. Africa possesses vast ecosystems crucial for carbon storage, Saffa said, adding that the Congo forests, dubbed the world's second long to absorb about 1.2 billion tons of CO2 annually. The Congo basin was roughly 8 percent of the world's forest base carbon. However, the chair underlined that this significant contribution is not reflected proportionally in the carbon trade.   AU/AfCFTA Relations and Trade Policy Director, Yusuf Daya said carbon market is crucial for exploring and implementing solutions that not only mitigate environmental issues but also foster economic growth and social development. The potential economic benefits of carbon credit markets are essential; many African countries possess vast forests, savannas, and other ecosystems that act as significant carbon sinks. By participating in carbon credit markets, these nations can monetize their natural assets, attract investments, and generate revenues to support development, the director noted. This revenue can be reinvested in local communities, infrastructure, sustainable development projects, driving economic growth and reducing poverty. According to him, there are, however, challenges that need to be addressed, including establishing robust regulatory frameworks, ensuring transparency and accountability and building capacity for monitoring and verification. The three days conference has brought together government representatives from AU member states, representatives of regional economic communities, private sector entities and CSOs, among others.      
Ethiopia Discharging Int’l Obligation Through Its Green Legacy Initiative : Adem Farah
Jul 24, 2024 2500
Addis Ababa, July 24/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is discharging its international obligation in making the planet suitable for the forth coming generation through the National Green Legacy Initiative, Head of the Democratic System Building Coordination Center and Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, Adem Farah remarked. Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative, launched in 2019 by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, aims at intensifying forestation in the country to help mitigate the impact of climate change. The initiative has set a goal to plant 50 billion tree seedlings by 2026. In just the past 5 years, this program has already succeeded in planting over 32.5 billion tree seedlings across the country. This year’s tree planting activity is underway across the country targeting to plant 7.5 billion seedlings during this rainy months. Head of the Democratic System Building Coordination Center and Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, Adem Farah along with higher officials and staff of the headquarters of the Party carried out tree planting program today at Lemi Qura Sub city of Sheger City Administration. Speaking on the occasion, Adem stated that the Green Legacy Initiative links the past, present and future generation.   In this regard, he added that Ethiopia is discharging its international responsibility and is taking up a huge initiative by helping to make the planet suitable and habitable for all. Adem further noted that the current generation is fulfilling its obligations through the initiative, which is instrumental to sustainably mitigate disasters and to protect the nation’s landscape from the impacts of climate change. The initiative is vital to promoting productivity and ensuring food security in the country. He further highlighted that the program is playing a major role on retaining the positive achievements of the past and mitigating present and future disasters in the country adding that this generation is contributing to curbing the global effects of climate change. PP Vice President added that Green Legacy Initiative contributes to curbing the effects of climate change their by creating a climate change resilient green economy. He noted that the initiative is a vividly demonstrates the strong commitment of the country to transfer a habitable planet for the coming generation, adding the prosperity Party will continue to play a leading role in setting an example in effectively carrying out our national obligation in this regard. Head of Democratic Culture Building at the headquarters of Prosperity Party, Melese Alemu said that the Green Legacy Initiative is a national agenda of the people of Ethiopia and the backbone of our national economy.   He further noted that Ethiopia will continue to be a pace setter and model for developing green economy which has a comprehensive value in all aspects of the livelihood of the people. Head of the Organizational Affairs at PP headquarters, Sadat Nesha stated that the Green Legacy Initiative is more than just planting trees and plays a major role in greening the country and enhancing productivity.   He added that the Initiative is helping to ensure the continuity of strong statehood in the country by developing a common goal in ascertaining economic development for the country.   Deputy Head of Political and Capacity Building Affairs at the Headquarters of the Prosperity Party, Musa Ahmed said that the Party accords greater emphasis on ensuring the comprehensive prosperity of the country by effectively promoting the National Green Legacy Initiative.        
Teenage Second Generation Ethiopian Diasporas Plant Seedlings at Chaka Project
Jul 20, 2024 3220
Addis Ababa, July 20/2024(ENA)- The second generation Ethiopian Diaspora, who have come to their homeland under the “Back to Your Origins” initiative, have planted seedlings at the Chaka Project today. The teenager diaspora members said they were thrilled to be part of the national seedlings planting campaign at the Chaka project.   Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called on the second generation Ethiopian Diaspora to come home in three rounds beginning from December 30, 2023 to September 30, 2024. In the past two rounds, the second generation Ethiopians Diaspora have participated in various activities. In this third round teenagers have come to their origin and taken part in planting seedlings at the Chaka project today. Among them, the teenager Zefitret Esuendalew from South Africa said she was very excited to come to her homeland and leave her legacy. “I think it's a real experience and coming back to my home country is the best thing that is happening for me. And you know it is a nice thing to do this (planting trees).” She urged all Ethiopian origins to come to their country and get to know their culture and identity. “My message to the people is you should visit Ethiopia and know your culture as well as your people,” Zefitiret stressed.   The other teenager, Eyoel Yared from Canada thanked Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for making a special call to the second generation of Ethiopians to visit their origin. He added that he is having a great time during his stay. “It’s really fun and exciting. I really appreciate Prime Minister Abiy decided to do a special occasion for us and all these other people.” The teenager Kibir Michael from America stated that one of her favorite activities is planting seedlings. In this sense, she said that her participation in the Green Legacy program gave her a special feeling.   Kibir called on the second generation to come back to their country and leave their legacy. For his part, the teenager Kidus Yared from Canada said “this (planting seedlings) was a good memory for me to have. It is peaceful and I like this nice place.”    
Ethiopia at Forefront in "Green Revolution": WMO Africa Office Manager
Jul 20, 2024 2817
Addis Ababa, July 20/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is at the forefront in its Green Legacy program, which is a “green revolution”, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Office Africa Program Manager Ernest Afiesimama said. In an exclusive with ENA, Afiesimama stated that Ethiopia’s Green Legacy initiative is instrumental in conserving the environment and reducing carbon footprint. “We are expecting many countries to do what Ethiopia is doing. The hydropower and solar energy are green energy; and Ethiopia is carrying out a green revolution at the forefront.” The Africa program manager stressed the need to support the Government of Ethiopia to achieve its long-term objective in its Green Legacy initiative. Regarding Ethiopia’s continued commitment to reducing the impacts of extreme weather, he pointed out that Ethiopia is in the forefront in Africa in the Early Warning for All Initiative.   “I do see in the next two years Ethiopia being able to overcome impacts of the extreme weather climate events in the socio-economy so that we begin to see that the growth domestic product of Ethiopia is improving.” Ethiopia’s Green Legacy program, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has multiple advantages in reducing environmental degradation and contributing both for climate adaptation and mitigation. Over the past five years, the country has successfully planted an astonishing 32 billion tree seedlings across the country and this extensive reforestation effort has been instrumental in restoring degraded landscapes, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and preserving the nation's rich bio-diversity. The country targets to reach an ambitious milestone of 50 billion planted tree seedlings by the end of the next two years. Prime Minister Abiy revealed recently that Ethiopia’s forest coverage has increased to 23.6 percent by 2023 from 17.2 percent in 2019.    
Green Legacy Initiative Lends Opportunity for Indigenous Plant Based Environmental Conservation
Jul 19, 2024 1314
Addis Ababa, July 19/2024 (ENA) Head of Prime Minister's Office and Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Alemtsehay Paulos, stated that the Green Legacy initiative has created favorable opportunities for Ethiopia's environmental conservation works based on indigenous plants. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, along with staff from the Prime Minister's Office, have planted indigenous tree seedlings as part of this year’s Green Legacy Initiative tree planting campaign in the Chaka project. Since the launch of the initiative, areas previously covered with eucalyptus trees have been replaced with indigenous trees. On the occasion, Head of Prime Minister's Office and Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Alemtsehay Paulos, mentioned that the office staff participated in planting indigenous seedlings for the second time in this year's Green Legacy Initiative.   She recalled that the office staff had previously planted fruit tree seedlings in areas prepared with indigenous terracing techniques. Today, they planted indigenous seedlings in areas that were previously covered with eucalyptus trees. Alemtsehay highlighted that the Green Legacy Initiative has created favorable opportunities for environmental conservation work based on indigenous plants. She added that Ethiopians, without distinction, have been participating in the Green Legacy Program and achieving impressive results. The head stressed the need to continue this collective effort with renewed vigor in the coming year.   Staff members who participated in the program noted that the Green Legacy initiative has multiple benefits beyond environmental protection. Head of Ethics and Anti-Corruption at the Office, Tsige Birhanu, stated that the Green Legacy Initiative is not only about environmental conservation but also an integral part of achieving food self-sufficiency. Another staff member, Muluneh Nigussie, emphasized that the Green Legacy Initiative is a program in which all Ethiopians participate with a sense of ownership. He pointed out that the program enables the passing down of a better country to future generations, stressing that this is the responsibility of every citizen  
Ethiopia Prioritizes Fruit Cultivation, Indigenous Plants in Its Expanded Green Legacy Initiative: DPM Temesgen
Jul 19, 2024 1271
Addis Ababa, July 19/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative is shifting its focus this year to prioritize fruit cultivation and the planting of indigenous trees, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh remarked today. The goal is to maximize the direct benefits of citizens from the national Green Legacy Initiative launched five years ago. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed joined Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen and the staff of the Prime Minister Office in planting indigenous saplings at the Chaka Project, a key component of the initiative aimed at replacing eucalyptus forests with native plant species. On the occasion, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the significant increase in Ethiopia’s forest cover since the program’s inception.   He revealed that the government plans to plant 7.5 billion saplings this year and is already well underway. "This year, we are emphasizing fruit trees and indigenous plants to ensure that our citizens directly benefit from the Green Legacy Initiative," the deputy prime minister said. Beyond environmental protection, this program will boost agricultural productivity, enhance tourism, and improve soil and water conservation, he added. Temesgen highlighted that the initiative will create favorable conditions for the successful implementation of the country’s agricultural development initiatives including wheat cultivation. By replacing water-intensive eucalyptus trees with indigenous species, the government aims to optimize water resources and combat the effects of climate change, he stated.    
Early Warning Necessity, Not Luxury: World Meteorological Organization Regional Office Manager
Jul 17, 2024 1088
Addis Ababa July 17/2024( ENA)Early warning should be taken as a necessity not a luxury, World Meteorological Organization Regional Office for Africa Program Manager Ernest Afiesimama said today. The program manager made the remark at a two-day technical working group workshop on Early Warnings for All (EW4All) that is taking place in Addis Ababa. The aim of the workshop is to identify gaps and key priorities and consolidate key stakeholder commitments, among others. Speaking at the workshop, Afiesimama added that early warning faces three challenges, which are availability of information, accessibility and affordability. “One glaring deficiency we have in the continent is availability of data for forecasters,” he pointed out.   Ethiopian Meteorological Institute Director-General Fetene Teshome said the world is increasingly confronted with dangerous weather and climate extremes which have become more frequent due to climate change. Stressing that climate change has already affected all, he said one of the attested adaptation mechanism to such extremes is the establishment of matured early warning system. According to him, such a system requires substantial resources that strengthen hydro-meteorological observation and monitoring infrastructure and capability. “We have to have the system and capacity to act swiftly to such hazards. It requires resources with multisectoral coordination and proactive action.”   Addressing the workshop, UNDP Ethiopia Representative Samuel Gbaydee Doe said Ethiopia is a nation with longstanding commitment to disaster risk reduction that has made notable strides in mitigating impacts of natural hazards. However, he added that the challenges posed by climate change and increasing frequency of extreme weather needs a renewed efforts and innovative approaches in disaster preparedness and response. For Doe, “the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative provides us with a strategic framework to build on our past achievements and forge ahead towards a safer and more resilient future for Ethiopia.” The representative pointed out that the outcomes of the two-day workshop will led the ground work for a comprehensive action plan that outlines clear objective, targets and timeliness for the implementation of the EW4All in Ethiopia.   Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission Deputy Commissioner Nesibu Yasin stressed for his part the need for establishing a strong skill and knowledge-led system to promote stronger, multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration among disaster risk management actors. High emphasis is therefore given to early warning system and its decentralization where capacitated people at local will be in place to lead the system. “For this, we are building disaster risk management system for resilience building and disaster risk prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery areas of intervention,” he elaborated. The national consultation workshop that opened today is coordinated by the Ethiopian Meteorological Institute and the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission, and co-organized with UN Ethiopia, in partnership with World Meteorological Organization, international organizations and NGOs.      
PM Says Green Legacy Initiative Good Opportunity to Expand Indigenous Soil Preservation Knowledge
Jul 11, 2024 2261
Addis Ababa, July 11/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative has created conducive environment to expand indigenous knowledge on soil preservation across the country, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, First Lady Zinash Tayachew, and staff of the Office of the Prime Minister have plant seedlings today. Community members drawn from Harar and Konso have also participated at the planting activity held on the terrace they built inside Chaka Project using their indigenous skills to preserve soil. In that regard, the eucalyptus trees in the area have been replaced by indigenous tree seedlings. During the planting, the premier stated that this year's Green Legacy program will be carried out differently from the previous ones. Accordingly, individuals from Harar and Konso had worked on terraces inside the Chaka Project in order to stop the problems with soil erosion in the surrounding area. This has helped to address the difficulties that had been hindrances to plant seedlings in the area due to soil erosion, he added. At present, indigenous plants including fruits like apple are being cultivated, it was learned. The PM further underscored the need to expand similar indigenous knowledges that exist in other areas across the nation, commending the farmers of Harar and Konso for completing the work on the terraces in short time. According to him, activities are underway to increase the forest coverage of Addis Ababa to 30 percent with the objective to change the image of the city. Ethiopia has been carrying out extensive seedling planting activities over the past five years. The nation has so far planted 32.5 billion seedlings. The country’s goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from its overall target of 50 billion. Accordingly, the nation is working to plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle. Ethiopia’s forest coverage had increased to 23.6 percent by 2023 from 17.2 percent in 2019.
Abiy Expresses Commitment to Building up-to-standard Public Toilets Using Durable Materials  
Jul 11, 2024 2289
Addis Ababa July 11/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed commitment to building up-to-standard public toilets by using durable materials and ensuring high-quality finishing. “When we called on our citizens, many enthusiastically joined the Clean Ethiopia initiative,” the premier wrote on X this morning. The main objective of this project is to revolutionize the culture of toilet usage by creating a welcoming environment. “Today, we are on-site to assess the progress made possible through the invaluable contributions and trust of our citizens. By using durable materials and ensuring high-quality finishing, we are committed to building up-to-standard public toilets.” This is just the beginning, Abiy said, affirming that “With your continued support, we aim to expand this initiative nationwide.” It is to be recalled that Prime Minister Abiy unveiled plans to construct modern, clean, and dignified public restrooms, with a strong emphasis on community involvement in their construction on last April. A digital telethon was held on the 12th of May this year to raise 50 million Birr in 10 hours for Clean Ethiopia initiative.The Office of the Prime Minister disclosed on that day that 154 million and 500 thousand Birr was collected through the digital telethon. Several institutions and individuals have participated in the telethon registering more than the planned target. Of the total, 67.5 million Birr was collected directly from the community through the telethon.
Ethiopia’s Commitment to Environmental Conservation Intertwines with Implementation of SDGs 
Jul 5, 2024 3674
Addis Ababa, July 5/2024(ENA) Ethiopia’s commitment to environmental conservation is intertwined with the country’s dedication to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Foreign Affairs Minister Taye Atskeselasie remarked. In a display of commitment to environmental sustainability, the staffs and leadership of Foreign Affairs Ministry planted thousands of tree seedlings for this rainy season in the premises of the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University today. This initiative contributes to the ambitious national Green Legacy program, aiming to plant a staggering 7.5 billion seedlings throughout Ethiopia this rainy season. Building on Ethiopia's impressive record of over 32 billion seedlings planted in previous years, Foreign Minister Taye Atskeselasie emphasized the ongoing dedication to environmental restoration. He highlighted the Green Legacy Initiative's multifaceted benefits, not only in combating climate change and restoring ecosystems, but also in preventing soil erosion, particularly near crucial tributary water sources. "This conservation endeavor ensures uninterrupted river flow downstream," Minister Taye explained, further underlining the connection between environmental efforts and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. "Our commitment to environmental conservation is intertwined with our dedication to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals," Taye underscored. The planting ceremony also welcomed Zambia's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Rose K. Sakala. Her participation signified not only the celebration of Zambia's 60th year of independence but also a gesture of solidarity with Ethiopia's environmental initiative. Ambassador Sakala emphasized the critical role the Green Legacy Initiative plays in addressing the challenges of climate change, which disproportionately impact African nations. The Green Legacy Initiative serves as a powerful model for other nations seeking to tackle climate change and create a more sustainable future. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University President Dereje Engida reaffirmed the institution's ongoing participation. President Engida noted the university's plan to plant 5,500 seedlings this year, replicating their successful efforts from the previous season, with a remarkable 90% survival rate for the planted agricultural seedlings.  
Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Recognized as Model of Action in Global Fight Against Climate Change
Jul 4, 2024 3086
Addis Ababa July 4/2016 (ENA) The Green Legacy Initiative has demonstrated to the world the necessity of practical responses to the climate change challenges facing the planet, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla, held a press briefing today, addressing Ethiopia's diplomatic activities, particularly the success of its Green Diplomacy Initiative. He emphasized that the Green Legacy Initiative is not just a domestic program; it has positioned Ethiopia as a role model in combating environmental degradation and deforestation over the past five years. He highlighted that Ethiopia has distributed hundreds of thousands of saplings to neighboring countries, leading regional efforts to mitigate the impact of changing weather conditions and frequent disasters. Significant progress has been made in integrating the Green Legacy Initiative into regional initiatives, and enhancing the safety of transboundary rivers shared with neighboring countries, he added. The initiative has demonstrated that practical actions are needed beyond conferences to effectively combat climate change and has been adopted as a best practice by over 200 countries. A key topic of the briefing was the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, to Djibouti. This visit, the first visit to a neighboring country since his appointment, underscores the strategic partnership between Ethiopia and Djibouti. During the visit, Ambassador Taye engaged in productive discussions with Djibouti's President, Ismail Omar Guelleh, and Foreign Minister, Mahamoud Ali Youssef, covering bilateral and regional issues. Agreements were reached to repair and upgrade infrastructure, improve services at the Djibouti Horizon oil terminal, and enhance port services. Ambassador Taye also met with his Somali couterpart in Ankara, facilitated by Turkey. The ministers reaffirmed their commitment to regional stability and scheduled a second round of talks for September 2, 2024, in Ankara. Nebiyu added the return of many members of the diaspora in response to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's call. The third phase of the reception program for second-generation diaspora members has begun, aiming to reconnect them with their culture and history while involving them in the upcoming voluntary service activities.  
Ethiopia Spearheads Comprehensive Climate Change Mitigation Efforts, DPM Temesgen Announces
Jul 3, 2024 2505
Addis Ababa, July 3/2024(ENA)-In a landmark announcement, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh revealed Ethiopia's robust and multifaceted approach to tackling climate change, highlighting the nation's tangible progress in this critical issue. Today marked the official launch of Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation Plan in the presence of key figures including Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers, heads of federal and regional institutions, and delegates from various international bodies.   During his address, Temesgen underscored Ethiopia's acute vulnerability to climate change-induced phenomena, particularly recurring droughts and floods. He stressed the imperative for robust global collaboration to counter this pervasive threat, which disproportionately impacts developing nations. ‘‘Ethiopia is a country that believes practical responses are necessary to solve problems sustainably. Climate change cannot be addressed through speeches and discourses alone. It requires taking concrete actions. Ethiopia is implementing policies and strategies that bring about tangible changes.’’ The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized Ethiopia's unwavering commitment to this cause, citing recent successful initiatives, with special focus on the country's green legacy initiative. He noted that Ethiopia is implementing a diverse array of measures to combat climate change, yielding concrete and measurable outcomes. As a testament to this commitment, Temesgen referenced Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contribution, voluntary climate change response plan, aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement and set to run through 2030. The Deputy PM also outlined the nation's ambitious 30-year strategy for sustainable economic growth and reduced carbon emissions. ‘‘The Green Legacy Initiative demonstrates our desire to develop alongside neighboring countries and our policy-backed approach in action. This year's Green Legacy program officially began a few weeks ago." He called upon all relevant stakeholders and development partners who love Ethiopia to provide their usual support and participation in the implementing the initiative extending gratitude and respect to all Ethiopians, development partners, civil society members, private sectors, various sections of society, and friends of Ethiopia for their active support and participation in the initiative since its inception. Temesgen elucidated that climate-resilient green economic development forms a cornerstone of Ethiopia's decennial development plan. He further explained that the country's green legacy initiative is being executed in a manner that fosters regional development and mutual benefits with neighboring nations. Reflecting on Ethiopia's demonstrated global commitment, exemplified by the planting of over 32 billion seedlings in the past few years through extensive public mobilization, Temesgen urged universal participation in ensuring the success of this year's green legacy initiative. ‘‘The government has a plan to ensure our country's sustainable and green growth by addressing the impacts of climate change. This is reflected in our 10-year development plan, which prioritizes building a climate-resilient green economy." According to the Deputy PM, one of Ethiopia's main concrete steps to combat climate change and achieve green development is the Green Legacy Initiative. "This program, which began five years ago, aimed to plant seedlings over four years. In just the past year, we have achieved remarkable success by planting over 32 billion seedlings, impressing the world.’’ Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa, elaborated on Ethiopia's multifaceted approach to addressing climate change. She noted that in fulfilling its international obligations, Ethiopia has revised and submitted its voluntary national climate change response plan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change two years prior.   The ambitious revised plan targets a 68.8 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Fitsum emphasized that the implementation program showcases Ethiopia's dedication to fulfilling its national, continental, and global responsibilities in an integrated manner, while reinforcing the country's exemplary efforts. ‘‘Setting goals and objectives is the first step. The real challenge lies in achieving these goals. To translate the objectives outlined in our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) into concrete actions on the ground, we have prepared this NDC implementation plan after extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders over the past year." This plan addresses all sectors that are highly vulnerable to climate change and are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, including agriculture and forestry, water and energy, transport, industry, urban development and infrastructure, mining, and health. It outlines various policies, strategies, and programs related to these sectors, Fisum explained. She also highlighted the pivotal role of seasonal irrigated wheat development programs in bolstering resilience against climate change impacts. In the energy sector, the minister reported Ethiopia's strategic focus on renewable alternatives, underpinned by a clear and forward-thinking policy framework. This enhanced version elevates the original text by employing more sophisticated vocabulary, improving narrative flow, and presenting the information in a more engaging and professional manner, while maintaining the core content and message.  
Ethiopia Unveils Nat’l Climate Change Response Plan Implementation Program
Jul 3, 2024 2743
Addis Ababa, July 3/2024(ENA) Ethiopia has officially launched its National Climate Change Response Plan Implementation Program in a ceremony attended by high-ranking government officials. Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers, leaders from federal and regional institutions, and representatives of international organizations were present at the event. In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen emphasized Ethiopia's susceptibility to climate change-induced droughts and floods. With the main objective to sustainably tackle this challenge with practical responses, the government of Ethiopia has been carrying out various activities by formulating pertinent policies, Temesgen said. The country sets a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 68.8 percent by 2030. The implementation program underscores Ethiopia's dedication to coordinated action at national, continental, and global levels, while showcasing its proactive stance on climate resilience. The Deputy Prime Minister stressed the need for sustainable and practical solutions, noting that Ethiopia is already enacting policies aligned with this approach. Aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement, Ethiopia has developed a voluntary climate change response plan extending to 2030, complemented by a long-term, 30-year climate-resilient green economy strategy.   The Green Legacy Initiative stands out as a tangible contribution to climate action, with over 32.5 billion seedlings planted in five years. Temesgen announced the launch of the initiative's sixth round, calling for continued support. Other significant efforts include the summer wheat development program and ongoing renewable energy projects, which Temesgen highlighted as crucial for achieving emission reduction goals. He assured that the government would redouble its climate change mitigation efforts. Temesgen emphasized that the success of the newly launched program depends on collaborative efforts from the government, private sector, and international organizations. Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa, outlined Ethiopia's multifaceted approach to addressing climate change. She noted that Ethiopia had revised and submitted its national climate change response plan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change two years ago, reaffirming the country's commitment to its global responsibilities. Fitsum added that an implementation program has been developed to support this plan.
Ethiopia, COP29 Presidency Agree to Collaborate on Climate Negotiations
Jul 1, 2024 1918
Addis Ababa, July 1/2024(ENA)- Ethiopia and COP29 Presidency have agreed to collaborate on the outstanding issues in climate negotiations, according to Ethiopia’s Planning and Development Ministry. This was disclosed at a bilateral meeting held today between Minister of Planning and Development of Ethiopia, Fitsum Assefa and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev.   The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29) will be hosted by the Government of Azerbaijan in November. During the bilateral meeting, Fitsum expressed gratitude for the invitation to the COP29 to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in November 2024, and thanked the Azerbaijani government for the warm hospitality extended to the Ethiopian delegation during the visit in May 2024. She also highlighted Ethiopia's exemplary role in initiating and implementing ambitious climate change policies, such as the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE), Green Legacy Initiative, Long-Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategy and various environmental protection projects. Ethiopia has invested approximately 82 billion USD between 2011 and 2019 on climate-related projects, mostly from its domestic budget, she added. Fitsum further expressed Ethiopia's expectations for the COP29 negotiations, including the conclusion of pending issues such as the New Quantified Collective Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), operationalization of Article 6, a dedicated loss and damage funding facility, and the Global Goal on Adaptation. The Minister also highlighted the growing burden that developing countries, particularly Least Developed Countries and Africa, are facing due to the adverse effects of climate change, including debt stress, which calls for deep reform of Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions. Mukhtar Babayev expressed the COP29 presidency's readiness to collaborate with Ethiopia to push the pending negotiation issues towards a successful conclusion. He emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach and compromise during the negotiations to reduce polarization. Azerbaijan’s Minister and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev has officially requested Ethiopia's support in lobbying the negotiation groups through various platforms, as Ethiopia is a leading champion in this regard. Minister Fitsum acknowledged that as the current chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), Ethiopia would play a role in pushing the African Group of Negotiators, as well as other negotiator groups, to exercise a pragmatic approach for the successful completion of COP29. Finally, the two ministers discussed further strengthening the relationship between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and tourism. Minister Fitsum Assefa and President Mukhtar Babayev recognized the untapped potential for expanding economic and cultural ties between the two countries. They agreed to explore new opportunities for trade and investment partnerships as well as in creating a conducive environment for the private investment between both countries. By strengthening trade, investment, and tourism ties, the ministers expressed their belief that Ethiopia and Azerbaijan could further deepen their bilateral relationship and unlock new avenues for mutually beneficial cooperation. Both sides pledged to task their relevant government agencies to follow up on the agreed areas of collaboration, according to Ministry of Planning and Development.  
Green Legacy Initiative Bringing About Tangible Results in Enhancing Forest Cover
Jun 30, 2024 1978
Addis Ababa June 30/2024 (ENA) The Green Legacy Initiative, considered as a massive reforestation campaign of Ethiopia has been playing a paramount role in protecting the ecosystem and increasing the forest cover, the Ethiopian Forestry Development underscored. For the past five years, Ethiopia has diligently pursued an annual planting program under the Green Legacy Initiative, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019, it was indicated. As a result of the initiative, Ethiopia’s Forest Cover report indicates that by 2023, the country's forest cover had increased to 23.6% from 17.2% in 2019. Approached by ENA Ethiopian Forestry Development Director-General, Kebede Yimam underlined the need for reducing poverty and ensuring economic growth through a proper utilization of natural resources. Acknowledging Ethiopia’s potential natural resources, the forest resource in particular, he reminded that it had been neglected for many years due to improper protection and cutting down of wood for shelter construction and firewood. The director-general referred a study conducted from 2000 to 2013, which figured out that the annual deforestation rate in Ethiopia is estimated at 92,000 hectares. And another study from 2014 to 2019 points out that deforestation decreased to 38, 0000 hectares. Most importantly, Kebede emphasized on the declined Ethiopia’s annual deforestation rate which has decreased to 27,703 hectares. For him, those countries that do not manage and use their natural resources in an appropriate way are exposed to unprecedented ecological risk. Degradation of forested lands, unbalanced use of natural resources and high population growth are the reasons for various disasters, Kebede said. The Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative which has been becoming a critical demonstration in the endeavors of withstanding climate change impacts, the director-general elaborated that it has played an important role to increase forest cover. As green development is important for the safety of the ecosystem and sustainable development by increasing the forest cover, he urged the entire society to contribute their fair share in planting and maintaining saplings. According to the director-general, the survival rate of planted seedlings is significantly increasing. Kebede believed that this happened following the community's awareness on the importance of forests is growing and the culture of properly caring for saplings has developed. Speaking on year’s Green Legacy pre-launch program said a paradigm last week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted that our goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from our overall target of 50 billion, which means we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle.    
Ethiopia Expands Carbon Trading and Sequestration Efforts
Jun 28, 2024 2138
Addis Ababa June 28/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is expanding its efforts in carbon trading and sequestration through sustainable forestry practices, according to Yetebtu Moges, the Red+ Program Coordinator for the Ethiopian Forestry Development. "We are leveraging our vast forest resources to play a growing role in the global carbon trading and sequestration markets," Yetebtu said. Through innovative forestry management programs, the country is positioning itself as a key player in the fight against climate change. "While still in the early stages, Ethiopia's initiatives show promising results and the potential to generate significant economic benefits," Yetebtu explained. The country boasts 19.2 million hectares of forested area, of which 18 million hectares are natural forests - a valuable resource for carbon sequestration. Yetebtu highlighted the government's Green Legacy Initiative, which has seen the planting of billions of tree seedlings across the country in the past 5 years. "These trees when they mature enough will soon begin sequestering billions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere," he said. Ethiopia has also launched over 1 million hectares of participatory forest management, empowering local communities. "We have launched over 1 million hectares of participatory forest management, empowering local communities to be active stewards of their natural resources," Yetebtu explained. This approach aims to promote sustainable forestry practices and ensure economic benefits are shared with communities. Additionally, Ethiopia has established a national forest monitoring system and facilitated a 12 million Euro carbon trade in Bale, Oromia region, with the proceeds distributed among 65 cooperatives engaged in forest development. Yetebtu acknowledged the forestry's current annual revenue of 40 billion Birr, but believes there is significant potential for growth through carbon trading and sequestration, potentially increasing tenfold. A recent 40 million USD agreement with the World Bank aims to reduce carbon emissions in Oromia's forested landscapes, with 75 percent of the proceeds going directly to local communities, according to Yetebtu. While Ethiopia's forestry-based carbon initiatives are still in the early stages, the country's efforts demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices and a desire to capitalize on the economic opportunities presented by the global shift towards carbon neutrality. Africa as a continent has historically contributed very little to global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is one of the region most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. According to data from the World Resources Institute, Africa accounted for only around 3.8 percent of global CO2 emissions in 2019, compared to over 60 percent from the so called developed countries. This disproportionate impact highlights the injustice faced by African nations, who are paying the price for the carbon-intensive development pathways pursued by more industrialized parts of the world. In the face of this challenge, Ethiopia has emerged as a regional leader in efforts to combat climate change through sustainable forestry practices. The country's landmark Green Legacy Initiative, launched in 2019, has set an ambitious goal to plant 50 billion tree seedlings by 2026. In just the past 5 years, this program has already succeeded in planting over 32.5 billion tree seedlings across the country. These trees are now beginning to mature and will soon start sequestering billions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, making a significant contribution to global climate change mitigation efforts. The country's holistic approach, which emphasizes community-based participation and equitable benefit-sharing, offers valuable lessons for other African nations seeking to harness the power of their natural assets to address the climate crisis.      
Ethiopian News Agency