Medical Refurbishment, Reengineering Center to be constructed in Addis Ababa
Aug 5, 2024 291
Addis Ababa, August 5/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health and Korean Foundation for International Health Care (KOFIH) have jointly laid the cornerstone today to build medical devices refurbishment and reengineering center. The center, to be built with the total outlay of 3.53 million USD that obtained from KOFIH, is anticipated to equip the national health institutions in Ethiopia and beyond with the necessary tools. Health Minister Mekdes Daba, Korean Ambassador to Ethiopia, Jung Kang and KOFIH Ethiopia Office Director General, IL-Soo HA laid the cornerstone in the presence of other officials and invited guests.   Speaking at the occasion, Health Minister Mekdes Daba said this refurbishment and reengineering center project would represent Ethiopia’s endeavors in the health sector. It is also a profound commitment for the wellbeing of Ethiopian citizens, the minister added. According to her, the project reaffirms the greater bond that Ethiopians have to cherish together with the people of South Korea and the entire team of KOFIH Ethiopia. “This pivotal movement is not just about laying the foundation for a new building but also laying a new foundation for us to reaffirm that we have a greater bond that we cherish together with the people of South Korea,” Mekdes stated. The minister also appreciated KOFIH’s entire team who has been working hard tirelessly with Ethiopia through the year in bringing about universal health care coverage and health for all.   The bilateral cooperation between Ethiopia and South Korea has always been a testament to mutual commitment, partnership and respect between the two countries, she recalled. To this effect, the current refurbishment and reengineering center project is a significant milestone in the journey towards a healthier infrastructure and service for the people of Ethiopia and the region at large. Korean Ambassador to Ethiopia, Jung Kang on his part underscored that the national refurbishment and reengineering center is crucial to provide quality health services in Ethiopia with greatly enhancing the provision of medical services in Ethiopia and even potentially benefits neighboring countries of Ethiopia.   The ambassador said that: “The Center will greatly enhance the provision of medical services in Ethiopia and potentially benefits even neighboring countries by offering timely maintenance and logistics services; and positioning Ethiopia as a leader in medical equipment management in the region.” KOFIH Ethiopia Office Director General, IL-Soo HA on his part said once the construction of the center is completed, it will contribute to the progress and improvement of the health care system in Ethiopia. Medical equipment refurbishment and maintenances potential is indispensable for high quality patient care, he added. “I believe this center will play a crucial role in enhancing the health care system in Ethiopia by ensuring the best management and extension of lifespan of medical equipment,” he noted. He pointed out that KOFIH has been partner of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and it has been supporting the health care system with the focus of strengthening biomedical equipment assistance since 2014.        
Paleoanthropologists Describe Ethiopia Truly ‘Land of Origin’
Aug 5, 2024 272
Addis Ababa August 5/2024 (ENA) The name “Land of Origins’ appropriately describes Ethiopia said Paleoanthropologists who visited the country. The 50th anniversary of the discovery of Lucy's fossil is being commemorated with various events in Addis Ababa. Over 240 researchers from 34 countries have visited Ethiopia as part of the event. During their stay, the participants visited Adwa Memorial Museum and Unity Park and saw ancient artifacts and fossils in the country. The visitors who spoke to ENA highlighted that Ethiopia's name, "Land of Origin," aptly describes the country due to its significance in human origins and its ancient history. Professor Margaret Lewis, a researcher at the Department of Biology at Stockton University in the United States, mentioned about the researches that have conducted in Ethiopia, particularly in the Afar area since 1997. She said Ethiopia is definitely the land of origins of so many things citing the contribution of Lucy’s discovery as it really changed our understanding of human evolution and origins of people. According to her, Lucy’s discovery tells the fact how this world looks like today in terms of understanding climate change and the changing environment. A Tanzanian anthropologist, Professor Jackson Njau, for his part affirmed that Ethiopia is aptly referred to as the "land of origin" based on the geological study of time cycles and age sequences. He emphasized that their research focuses on the animals that inhabited the region during Lucy's time, highlighting Ethiopia's ancient status through various measures. Pre-human fossils found in Ethiopia not only illuminate Ethiopia's history but also provide crucial insights into the evolution of the entire human race. Ignacio Lasagabaster, a senior researcher at the University of Liverpool in England specializing in the origin of the human race, highlighted that Ethiopia is not only known for fossils dating back up to 4.5 million years but also for its rich narrative as the oldest country in Africa.   He noted that the discovery of Lucy's remains in Ethiopia has inspired numerous researchers, including himself, to delve into this field of study. Lasagabaster further appreciated the organization of institutions that preserve the history of early human origins in Ethiopia, such as the National Museum. He emphasized that Ethiopia's antiquity extends beyond fossils to encompass various archaeological fields. Appreciated the way the institutions that contain the history of the early human race and Ethiopia, including the National Museum, are organized; He said that Ethiopia is an ancient country not only in fossils but also in other archaeological fields On the other hand, Dr. Mariam Bundula, a fellow from the University of Tanzania's Department of Archaeology, along with third-year student Rebecca Muriuki from Kenya, praised Ethiopia's approach to heritage preservation.   They emphasized that preserving and passing down heritage not only instills pride in current generations but also facilitates learning from the past. The 3.2 million-year-old human remains, famously known as Lucy or Dinknesh, were discovered on November 24, 1974, in the Afar region at a site called "Hadar."  
Ethiopia, China to Implement Projects to Uplift Lives of Vulnerable Population
Aug 5, 2024 233
Addis Ababa August 5/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia's Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and the China Foundation for Rural Development (CFRD) signed an agreement to implement a series of projects to uplift the lives of poor and vulnerable Ethiopians. Women and Social Affairs Minister Ergogie Tesfaye and China Foundation for Rural Development Ethiopia Country Director Yin Qian signed the agreement today. On the occasion, Minister Ergogie stated that the big project signed today shows strong Ethio-China relation and partnership.   According to her, the renewed partnership seeks the implementation of seven projects such as Smiling Children, Panda Pack, Solar Lamp, WASH, Women Economic Empowerment, School Water Purifying, and Water Harvest across the country, with a particular emphasis on rural areas. The Smiling Children expands school meal services to rural areas, Panda Pack provides educational materials for students, Solar Lamp installs solar-powered renewable energy sources in underserved schools. Additionally, WASH project aims at improving sanitation facilities, Women Economic Empowerment empowers women economically mainly through skills training, School Water Purifying expand access to clean drinking water in schools, and Water Harvesting. Women and Social Affairs Ministry will facilitate the effective implementation of the projects with a concerted coordination from other ministries, she added. China Foundation for Rural Development Ethiopia Country Director, Yin Qian reaffirmed the foundation's commitment to supporting Ethiopia's development agenda.   “We guarantee that we will continue to contribute to the development of Ethiopia,” the country director reassured, adding that the project will be expanded to reach more poor and vulnerable groups across Ethiopia. The foundation has been working in Ethiopia for about a decade, she stated. The first phase of the project, with a budget of 10.5 million USD, benefited 320,000 people.  
Ethiopians Holding Candid Conversation to Foster Common Understanding on Major Nat'l Issues
Aug 5, 2024 311
Addis Ababa August 5/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia, being home to numerous religious and ethnic diversities, has embarked on fostering an honest and candid conversation to bring lasting peace and development by ensuring national consensus, National Dialogue Commissioner Ambaye Ogato affirmed. Indonesia-Ethiopia Interfaith Dialogue held under the theme of "Diplomacy of Religious Moderation to Build Interfaith Dialogue," today in Hawassa city of Sidama region. The event, organized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Ethiopia and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, brings together faith leaders and intellectuals from the two countries. Speaking at the occasion, Commissioner of National Dialogue Commission, Ambaye Ogato said Ethiopia has a very complex and tumultuous political history. He emphasized that the political, economic, cultural, and religious engagement standoffs that have plagued us can only be addressed through inclusive dialogue. "With unwavering conviction, we have embarked on conducting a national dialogue, and to this end, the nation established a National Dialogue Commission by proclamation nearly two years ago." He recalled the commission is an independent institution that is tasked to facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue to bring national consensus on major issues and restore the degraded social values that we endured for generations. According to the commissioner, the ongoing dialogue provides a platform for all Ethiopians to come together and harmonize the political, cultural, religious, and historical discord that has been causing havoc in the country. The commissioner reiterated that unlike many other national dialogues the Ethiopian national dialogue gives equal access to all actors. In other words, "we drifted away from being obsessed with the elites all politics. We are giving a chance to all Ethiopians to be on board. They could come in chartering their own common future," he elaborated. Finally, the commissioner expressed beliefs that efforts like this interfaith dialogue align with the broader agenda of the country and support the commission's efforts to create an enabling environment for coming together and fostering a common understanding. Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Al Busyra Basnur said on his part this event aimed to promoting harmony among the diversities. Ethiopia and Indonesia have a lot of similarities, the ambassador said, adding "We have a lot of ethnic groups and number of religious people. We are here to learn from your experiences and share ours." Together, we can develop strategies and approaches that can help us address the challenges of religions in politics and promote a culture of peace and mutual respect. Therefore, unity in diversity is very important in all countries in the world not only in Ethiopia and Indonesia, the ambassador noted. The ambassador stressed that promoting peace and harmony in diversity is not solely the responsibility of governments or religious leaders; it should also be strongly supported and pursued together with the community.
Ethiopian Airlines Elevates Passenger Experience with TSA PreCheck Enrolment
Aug 2, 2024 672
Addis Ababa August 2/2024 (ENA) Ethiopian Airlines Group, the largest aviation group in Africa is delighted to announce its partnership with the United States (US) Transport Security Administration (TSA) PreCheck program. The program allows Ethiopian Airlines’ customers traveling out of USA to have a better air travel experience with a more seamless, secure, and comfortable security screening solution. They can keep their shoes, belts and light jackets on, and their laptops and 3-1-1 liquids in their bags while passing through the dedicated TSA PreCheck screening lanes. The 3-1-1 liquids rule is a TSA regulation that allows passengers to carry liquids, gels, and aerosols in travel-size containers that are 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters each. All such containers should be placed in a single, quart-sized bag, with one bag permitted per passenger. This rule streamlines the security process and ensures a quicker passage through airport checkpoints. Regarding the partnership Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tasew said, “This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our 25-year history of service to and from the United States, enhancing the travel experience for our esteemed passengers through expedited security screening.” He added, “Our integration into the TSA PreCheck program is more than just an added convenience; it is a reflection of our dedication to providing a superior travel experience.” Through TSA PreCheck, customers can enjoy streamlined security processes and expedited security screening. This will help passengers to have more control over how they comfortably spend their time and benefit from a secure air travel system. TSA PreCheck® passengers wait less than 10 minutes in dedicated lanes at airport checkpoints nationwide. Ethiopian Airlines now offers this expedited service to its customers traveling from five key destinations in the USA: Atlanta, Chicago, Newark, New York, and Washington.  
Marking 50th Anniversary of Lucy’s Discovery Offers Great Contribution to Promote Ethiopia
Aug 2, 2024 818
Addis Ababa, August 2/2024(ENA) Marking the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of Lucy’s fossils in Ethiopia has more national significance in building the image of the country at global level and for promoting our tourism resources beyond its scientific value, Professor Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Director of Institute of Anthropology at Arizona State University said. The human fossil of Lucy also known as Dinkinesh was discovered in Ethiopia half a century ago. Programs organized for marking the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of Lucy have been conducted since January 2023 which was named the “Year of Lucy”. A total of 34 scholars in the field participated on the 9th Conference of East African Paleologists and Paleontology studies recently conducted in Addis Ababa. A photo exhibition was also organized at Adwa Memorial Museum on the sidelines of the conference while the participants also visited various historical sites in Addis Ababa. Anthropologists from Arizona State University Institute of Anthropology, who conducted extensive researches in Ethiopia, were among participate of the conference. Director of the Institute, Professor Yohannes, a renowned anthropologist, stated that marking the 50th anniversary of the Discovery of Lucy with various programs until November next year has a greater value for Ethiopia. He added that the successful conference and photo exhibition that were organized in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of Lucy brought together more than 240 anthropologists drawn from 34 countries across the world. Professor Yohannes also added that the participants of the conference expressed their utmost delight during their visits to the Adwa Memorial Museum and the National Museum in which they were able to observe the historical relics and heritages of the country. The conference and the visits paid by the researchers has a national significance in building the image of the country at global level and for promoting our tourism resources beyond its scientific value, Professor Yohannes noted. Abebaw Ayalew, Director of the Ethiopian Heritage Authority said the deliberations of the conference and programs conducted on sidelines have greater national value for the country adding that no country can be compared with Ethiopia in being the major sources of fossils of human species. The visits of world class researchers including Professor Donald Johnson who discovered Lucy will have an irreplaceable value for the visibility and image building for the country, the Director added. The scholars said what they saw was far more beyond their expectations and expressed happiness on the way Ethiopia has been able to organize the various venues on her own in a manner that was suitable for tourists and casual visitors. The Director added that a new chapter has been ushered in Ethiopia’s tourism, stating new natural, historical and cultural heritages and tourist destinations are being widely developed in an integrated manner. Apart from conducting researches on the country, these world class researchers, who can exert positive impacts on the sector will help in further promoting the tourism resources of the nation. The fossils of Lucy which is 3.2 million years old was discovered on November 24, 1974 in Afar Region at Hadar locality in Ethiopia. This year, the Golden Jubilee of the discovery of Lucy is being marked in the country.  
Religious Institutions Need to Work on Strengthen Solidarity, National Agendas: President Sahle-Work    
Aug 1, 2024 543
Addis Ababa, August 1/2024(ENA)-President Sahle-Work Zewde said that religious institutions need to be engaged in common national agenda by preventing issues that could erode the values of respect and solidarity. Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia held the 16th regular session and recognition forum today in the presence of President Sahle-Work Zewde, Peace State Minister Keyredin Tezera, religious leaders and invited guests. On the occasion, the president said the role religious leaders play in educating the faithful is vital.   Reaffirming the need for cooperation in common national issues, she noted that actions that could erode the values ​​of respect and solidarity between religions should be prevented. According to her, religious teachings and spiritual guidance are important for sustaining peace and stability since it is impossible to bring development and economic growth in the absence of peace. Taking these into consideration, the president urged religious institutions to strengthen their constructive engagements in ensuring peace in the country. Peace State Minister Keyredin Tezera said religious institutions have been playing a critical role in sustaining peace, stability and unity of the country for centuries.   The role of religious institutions is immense in developing the values ​​of solidarity and unity among Ethiopians, he added. He pledged that the ministry will continue strengthening its cooperation with the Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia to utilize the potential of religious institutions for nation building and sustainable peace. Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia Chairperson, His Grace Abune Gorgorios said the council is a spiritual institution established to enhance the values of peace and solidarity in collaboration with stakeholders.   He added that the council has been working on strengthening centuries-old culture of mutual respect and mutual support among the people of Ethiopia and the religious institutions. The chairperson reiterated that the council will continue its efforts to strengthen the values ​​of peace, respect, and solidarity.  
Ethiopia Committed to Deepening Multilateral Diplomacy, Peacekeeping in Africa
Aug 1, 2024 700
Addis Ababa, August 1/2024(ENA)-Ethiopia will deepen its multilateral diplomacy and peacekeeping role to contribute to peace and security in Africa, Ethiopia's United Nations Permanent Representative Tesfaye Yilma said. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ambassador Tesfaye said the country will further bolster its multilateral diplomacy and contribute to peace and security of Africa through peacekeeping missions under the United Nations and African Union. Currently, Ethiopia is engaged in the peacekeeping missions in South Sudan and Somalia. “Ethiopia has been a front runner in maintaining African peace and security. This is our history and legacy. We are now in South Sudan and Somalia. We will continue deepening this role to maintain peace and security in Africa.” The representative recalled that Ethiopia had also been sending peacekeeping forces to Rwanda, Liberia, Burundi, Darfur, Abyei, and Somalia. Regardless of change of governments in Ethiopia, the country has been consistently engaging in multilateral cooperation and peacekeeping missions, mainly in Africa, Ambassador Tesfaye noted. Beyond security, Ethiopia also advocates for socio-economic development of developing countries, he added. “We will continue participating in different socio-economic affairs based on international agreements.” For instance, the third financing for development conference held in 2015 in Ethiopia led to the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Following multilateral engagements with the UN and many other countries, Ethiopia recently hosted the First Preparatory Session of the 4th Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa from July 22–26, he pointed out. “This recent conference was decided to be hosted in Ethiopia mainly due to its major role in engaging at the multilateral level and its willingness to host it.” According to him, the conference demonstrated successful multilateral diplomatic engagement to improve the socio-economic development of developing countries. The representative reiterated Ethiopia’s historical role as a founding member of the United Nations and its ongoing commitment to multilateralism.      
Pakistan Expresses Solidarity with Ethiopia Over Landslide Incident in Gofa Zone
Jul 30, 2024 978
Addis Ababa July 30/2024 (ENA) The Government and people of Pakistan have expressed solidarity with the Government and people of Ethiopia in the aftermath of landslide incident that occurred in Gofa Zone of the Southern Ethiopia region. Individuals from the different walks of the life including Parliamentarians, diplomatic and religious community, business and media fraternity, youth and civil society have visited Ethiopia’s Embassy in Islamabad to express their condolences over the tragic incident that claimed lives of many citizens. The Government Officials including Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Romina Khurshid Alam phoned Jemal Beker, Special Envoy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Pakistan, for expressing condolences and solidarity with the Ethiopia over the incident. They expressed their commitment to support the people of Ethiopia in this time of grief, according to the embassy's press release sent to ENA. On Tuesday, Ambassador Jemal held separate meetings with Senator Mushahid Hussain and Director General (Africa) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Hasnain Yousaf who also expressed condolences and sympathies with the bereaved families. Chairman of Press Council of Pakistan Arshad Khan Jadoon and Chairman, Tehreek-e-Jawanan Pakistan, Muhammad Abdullah Hameed Gul were also among the prominent guests who visited the Embassy to condole over the incident. A big delegation of business community led by President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari and Chairman Pakistan Africa Friendship Association Zafar Bakhtawari also visited the Embassy for the purpose. On the occasion, Ambassador Jemal briefed the visitors about relief and rescue efforts of the Government of Ethiopia being carried out for permanent relocation of the affected persons in sustainable manner. The Ambassador also highlighted the Green Legacy Initiative of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, which was aimed at combating climate challenges and ensuring food security in the country and region as well. He informed the delegates that Ethiopia had planted more than 40 billion seedlings of indigenous plants of fruits, vegetable and animal feed in the last four years through massive mobilization of the masses. The ambassador further expressed his commitment to work with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for addressing the climate issues through joint initiatives under the Green Legacy Initiative. He said the Embassy would soon launch 2nd round of the Ethio-Pakistan Fraternity under the Green Legacy Initiative which was launched across Pakistan in 2023. Senator Mushahid Hussain lauded PM Abiy for his leadership role in uniting the country to address its contemporary challenges including climate related issues. President ICCI Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawri assured the Ambassador of the full support of business community in taking joint climate related initiatives.  
Lucy Manifests Ethiopia' as True Cradle of Humanity to World: Tourism Minister 
Jul 29, 2024 1079
Addis Ababa, July 29/2024 (ENA) -The discovery of Lucy's (Dinkinesh) remains has manifested Ethiopia's true cradle of humanity to the world, Tourism Minister, Ambassador Nasise Chali said. It is to be recalled that Lucy was discovered on 24 November, 1974, in the locality of Hadar, in Afar Region of Ethiopia. Today, the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Lucy's remains was celebrated at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.   Speaking at the occasion, the minister mentioned that human fossils ranging from 7 million years to 200 thousand years old have been found in Ethiopia. She stated that the discovery of Lucy's fossil, which was confirmed to have lived on earth 3.2 million years ago, is a unique historical opportunity. She also emphasized that Lucy heralded Ethiopia as the cradle of humankind, underscoring the country's significance in studies of origin human fossils. Ambassador Nasise stated that the main purpose of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Lucy's remains is to promote the world that Ethiopia is the true cradle of humanity. It is important to show evidence that there are many findings that prove Ethiopia’s land of origin, she said. The minister added that the commemoration of Lucy will continue to be celebrated with various events. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers as well as Professor Donald Johnson, who discovered Lucy's remains and other scholars from different parts of the world attended the event.
PM Abiy Says Lucy’s Discovery Enabled Ethiopia to Become Global Center for Study of human Evolution
Jul 29, 2024 929
Addis Ababa July 29/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the discovery of Lucy (Dinknesh) enabled Ethiopia to become a global center for the study of human evolution by affirming the country as the origin of human species. The 50th Anniversary of the discovery of Lucy has been marked at Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy, Deputy Prime Minister Temesegen Tiruneh, ministers, and renowned scholars on the subject drawn from various parts of the world. Speaking on the occasion, held under the theme ““50 years of Inspiring Discovery” Prime Minister Abiy said that Ethiopia is home to stunning cultural, natural and historical relics. The Premier added that the discovery of Lucy has enabled members of the global scientific society to acquire knowledge on what is embedded in the earth’s crust and has laid the foundation for conducting numerous researches which were based on various inquires to be answered. Abiy further stated that the discovery accorded global recognition not only for Ethiopia but also Africa as the origin of human species. “Lucy’s discovery was a ground breaking event that captivated both the scientific community and the world at large providing invaluable insight in to the evolution of life on Earth. It answered many questions while prompting new enquiries that continue to drive research and exploration. As we launch this anniversary, it is important to recognize that Africa as a continent is the origin of humanity. It is where all began," he explained. The Premier noted that human kind has started to live on earth since 6 million years and added that Ethiopia played a key role in scientific researches conducted on the subject.   He further noted that out of 22 human fossils discovered across the world, 13 of them were unearthed in Ethiopia. Part from the human fossils that were discovered, various primitive implements that were discovered in Ethiopia indicate that the country is the origin of ancient technology and culture, the Prime minister noted. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed also mentioned that the Government has been conducting various projects like Dine for Sheger, Dine for the Nation and Dine for the Generation as part of efforts to promote tourism in the country. He noted that the projects were designed in consonance with the natural and ecological profile of the country adding that more such projects are already on pipeline. The remarkable contributions that Ethiopia has rendered to the rest world on human history, culture and world outlook has already been well recorded, Abiy underlined. The indigenous contributions made by the country deserve global recognition, he said adding that the Government is working on developing the tourist resources of the country so that the sector can contribute to the development of the national economy and prosperity of the country. “Numerous results have been accomplished over the last five years in the sector. By expending huge investment in the sector, we have been able to develop profound tourism resources based on the objective reality in the country for more sustainable tourism economy.” Prime Minister Abiy further added. He also called upon the communities across the world to come and visit Ethiopia.                        
"Lucy's Discovery Benchmark, Reference for Human Origins Research" : Professor Donald Johanson
Jul 29, 2024 509
Addis Ababa July 29/2024 (ENA)American paleoanthropologist Professor Donald Johanson stated that the discovery of Lucy (Dinknesh) serves as a benchmark and reference for the study of human origins. The 50th anniversary of Lucy's skeletal remains discovery was celebrated under the theme "Half a Century of a Remarkable Finding" in Addis Ababa at the Adwa Victory Memorial, in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers, and Professor Donald Johanson, who discovered Lucy's remains, along with other experts from various parts of the world, participated in the event.   On the occasion, Professor Donald Johanson remarked that Ethiopia is an admirable country for many reasons. He emphasized that we should all appreciate Ethiopia, particularly for its contribution to our understanding of human evolution. The researcher stated that everyone should take pride in this unparalleled heritage site for human origins. Johanson also mentioned that even after 50 years, Lucy continues to ignite interest in discovering human origins. The professor highlighted that Lucy serves as a scientific benchmark and reference for the study of human origins, opening new doors in the field of human evolution research. Lucy's discovery strongly supports the existence of a common origin for deeply rooted lineages within Africa, he pointed out. President of the East African Association of Paleoanthropology and Paleontology, Jackson Njau noted that Lucy's discovery has inspired a deeper understanding of human historical origins. He emphasized that such fossils provide valuable insights into the current and future evolution of humans. Njau stressed the importance of valuing fossil discoveries and raising public awareness about the archaeological heritage in the region. He also expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian government for organizing such a successful event.    
UAE Delegation Expresses Condolences to Landslide Victims in South Ethiopia Region 
Jul 28, 2024 648
Addis Ababa July 28/2024 (ENA)A delegation from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has visited the site of a recent landslide in South Ethiopia region to express condolences to the affected families and provide humanitarian aid. The delegation, sent by UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, visited the Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele in Geze Gofa woreda, Gofa zone of South Ethiopia region . They met with families who lost loved ones in the tragic landslide and offered their sympathies. As part of their visit, the UAE delegation delivered 85 tons of humanitarian supplies to support those affected by the disaster. The aid was received by Engineer Aklilu Adagne, the Deputy Chief Administrator of the region, who also serves as the Agriculture and Rural Development Cluster Coordinator and Head of the Water, Minerals, and Energy Bureau.   This visit follows previous report on the UAE's commitment to provide humanitarian assistance to Ethiopian citizens affected by the landslide in the Gofa zone. The gesture underscores the strong diplomatic ties between the UAE and Ethiopia, as well as the UAE's commitment to providing humanitarian support in times of crisis. It also highlights the international response to natural disasters and the importance of global solidarity in the face of such tragedies. The number of citizens died due to the tragic incident in Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele has so far reached 231. Following the accident, the House of People's Representatives has also declared a three-day national mourning period that started yesterday to commemorate the lives lost in the Gofa Zone landslide.   Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, along with First Lady Zinash Tayachew, former Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, and other high-ranking officials visited the affected area to offer condolences and assistance to the displaced and bereaved. According to the regions chief administrator, some 500 people who were at risk of landslide in Gofa Zone have been resettled to safe areas. Though the rainy season made the operation of emergency assistance very difficult, relocating vulnerable people has been achieved. Additionally, 10 persons have been rescued from the landslide and are being treated at Sawla Hospital. The Technical committee is working on ways of rehabilitating more than 6,000 vulnerable citizens in a sustainable manner.
NDF Provides Relief Assistance to Landslide Victims in Gofa Zone
Jul 28, 2024 481
Addis Ababa July 28/2024 (ENA) The National Defense Force (NDF) has extended a helping hand to those affected by the tragic landslide in Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele, Geze Gofa District of Gofa Zone. The landslides resulted in the loss of lives and displacement of citizens. As part of the national effort to supply humanitarian assistance to the affected community, the NDF has delivered over 6, 300, 000 birr worth of food and essential supplies to the victims today.   The supplies include wheat flour, biscuits, sugar, sheets, and blankets. While handing over the supplies to Gofa Zonal administrator, Colonel Getnet Adane, Public Relations Head of NDFexpressed deep sorrow over the tragedy which resulted in loss of lives, displacement and destruction of properties. He also emphasized the army’s commitment to supporting the affected communities during this difficult time. Dagmawi Ayele, Administrator of Gofa Zone on his part extended gratitude to the National Defense Force for their timely and substantial assistance.   He noted the army’s role in providing medical support and other essential services since the landslide occurred. Following the devastating landslides which have caused loss of lives and displacement of citizens in Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia, the Ethiopian government is coordinating the delivery of relief supplies as well as the efforts of resettlement and rehabilitation of survivors.  
Ethiopian News Agency