Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission Concludes Agenda Gathering Process in Gambella
Aug 4, 2024 579
Addis Ababa August 4/2024 (ENA) The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) announced the successful completion of agenda gathering consultative chapter in Gambela Region held for the last one week. Representatives of all communities, political parties operating in the region, religious institutions, civic organizations, government bodies and prominent personalities participated at the consultation.   The stakeholders have discussed thoroughly and gathered agenda items that they believe are important for further deliberations at the next level of the national dialogue. After the conclusion of the consultation, the identified agenda items were submitted to the Council of Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. On the occasion, Commissioners of ENDC, Melaku Woldemariam said that the agenda gathering consultation held for the last one week in the region has been successfully completed today. The stakeholders have actively participated in the consultations by freely contributing their ideas that they think are beneficial for lasting peace in Ethiopia, the Commissioner indicated. He also extended gratitude to the participants for their active participation in the process which is believed to be important step forward for the betterment of the people and the country. Ethiopia is in the process of grand efforts to resolve the age-old contradictions of the country through an inclusive and open-minded dialogue. This national effort, which is the first of its kind to the country, starts at the grass roots and moves upwards. This agenda gathering process is a crucial step towards to securing a lasting peace and shaping the country's future, it was learned.  
Ethiopia, Russia Expanding Bilateral Relations, Multilateral Cooperation: Ambassador Terekhin    
Aug 3, 2024 792
Addis Ababa August 3/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia and Russia are deepening bilateral relations and broadening multilateral cooperation, Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin told ENA. The Russian ambassador said that the bilateral and multilateral relationships between Russia and Ethiopia have been growing after the leaders of the two countries met at the first and second Russia-Africa summits in 2019 and 2023. “I should stress the highest level of political, mutual understanding, and interaction between our countries based on the excellent, mutual relationship between the two leaders of our countries, President Putin and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.” According to him, their meetings, especially on the sidelines of the first and the second Russia-Africa summits have given a mighty impetus to a whole-scale development of bilateral relations in each direction, practically in every field. “We cooperate closely in different international organizations in the international arena, especially on issues of paramount concern for our two countries.” Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin pointed out his hope “that soon it (the cooperation) will be more visible, especially in the fields of energy, mutual trade, food security, and others.” Furthermore, he expressed optimism about the growing economic partnership between the two countries, emphasizing ongoing efforts to increase trade and investment. “In the economic field, we're moving forward as well, maybe not as quickly as we would like to see; but still I can see tangible movements in this direction.” At present, “we see not only extremely well developed bilateral relations and cooperation in different directions, but also mutual joint participation within the BRICS format.” The ambassador said BRICS will give the countries better opportunities for enlargement and strengthening of bilateral relations, adding that there is already a significant and broad range of interconnected ideas that fit together. And the political momentum is also crucial. Ethiopia's membership in the BRICS during Russia's chairmanship has deepened bilateral relations, he added. Both countries share a vision of a multipolar world order based on international law and the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. Ambassador Terekhin finally pointed out that Russia has been enlarging the quantity of scholarships allotted to Ethiopian students every year, in addition to the effort of strengthening people-to-people cooperation and relations. “We’re developing people-to-people cooperation and relations. For instance, last year we have conducted days of Russian spiritual culture. And it was really fascinating and wonderful when chorus of one of Russian monasteries presented the church songs at Meskel Square here in Addis Ababa during the Moscow festivities. I hope we will be able to arrange something of the same kind this year as well.”  
Cuba Expresses Need for African Representation in UN Security Council 
Aug 3, 2024 643
Addis Ababa August 2/2024 (ENA) Cuba expressed strong support for the reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), emphasizing the need for better representation of Africa and Latin America regions, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Elio E. Rodriguez Perdomo told Ethiopian News Agency(ENA). Rodriguez Perdomo underscored Cuba's commitment to the democratization of the United Nations, particularly the Security Council. "For Cuba, the UN General Assembly is the most democratic body because all the members are represented there," he stated. However, he pointed out that the Security Council requires significant changes to reflect the current global landscape. The deputy minister of foreign affairs advocated for an expansion of both permanent and non-permanent memberships of the Security Council. "Cuba favors the widening of the memberships, the non-permanent and also the permanent members," he said. Rodriguez Perdomo emphasized the importance of making the council more representative and equitable, reflecting the realities of today's world. Highlighting the underrepresentation of certain regions, Perdomo noted, "Regions like Latin America and Africa are really badly represented in this council." He expressed Cuba's support for increasing the permanent and the non-permanent memberships from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Widening memberships of the Security Council aligns with the longstanding calls by African nations for the reform of the council.              
HPR Approves Ethiopia-International Development Association 500 Million USD Loan Agreement 
Jul 31, 2024 1463
Addis Ababa July 31/2024 (ENA) The House of People's Representatives (HPR) has approved a concessional loan agreement of 500 million USD made with the International Development Association (IDA) today. The House, in an emergency session, approved the concessional loan agreement with a majority vote after deliberating on its benefits to enhance the economy of the country. Chief Government Whip Tesfaye Beljige explained that the draft proclamation for the loan agreement would help to implement the Homegrown Economic Reform II that follows the effective realization of the first phase despite internal and external challenges.He mentioned that an average growth of 6.2 percent was achieved in the past years of reform. According to him, the focus in the second phase of the Homegrown Economic Reform is repairing macro economy and consolidating the results achieved in the first phase. To support this comprehensive economic reform program, the International Development Association has concluded a total of 1.5 billion USD financial aid and loan agreement, one billion USD in grant and 500 million USD in loans, it was pointed out.The loan will be fully deposited into the government treasury at once and will be used to support the reform efforts initiated by the Ethiopian government and as a direct budgetary support for this Ethiopian Fiscal Year. The chief whip stated that the 500 million USD loan is interest-free and payable in 38 years, including a 6-year grace period. Recall that the Council of Ministers, in its 38th regular session earlier today, has approved the 1.5 billion USD agreements with IDA.
Effective Parliamentary Diplomacy Efforts Conducted in FY to Safeguard Ethiopia's Nat'l Interests
Jul 31, 2024 1066
Addis Ababa July 31/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s House of Peoples Representative Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee Deputy Chairman Fethi Mahdi said successful parliamentary diplomacy activities were carried out during the concluded 2016 fiscal year to protect the country's national interests. In an exclusive interview with ENA, House of Peoples Representative the Deputy Chairman said the parliamentary diplomacy activities have been conducted by engaging with diplomats, ambassadors, and parliamentary members from various countries. “We confer with diplomats, ambassadors and members of parliaments of various countries here in Ethiopia and also in the respective countries. During the interactions, our members of the parliament highlight the interest of Ethiopia and its people.” These interactions effectively reflected Ethiopia's position and were conducted with thorough preparation to communicate the nation's interests and aspirations. Fethi emphasized that these diplomatic efforts successfully conveyed Ethiopia's desire for development, peaceful coexistence, and collaboration with other nations. Deputy Chairperson of the Law and Justice Affairs Standing Committee in the House of People's Representatives Isa Boru, on his part said various discussions were held on issues crucial to regional peace. He noted that diplomatic activities were carried out to protect national interests and Ethiopia's sovereignty. Moga Ababulga, a member of the Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee in the House of People's Representatives, affirmed that the diplomatic activities conducted were centered on national interests.He pointed out that parliamentary diplomacy efforts helped clarify misconceptions and enabled other countries to gain a better understanding of Ethiopia's position on various matters. The MPs stressed that the parliamentary diplomacy activities carried out during the concluded 2016 fiscal year to protect the country's national interests.
Austria Keen to Enhance Bilateral, Multilateral Cooperation with Ethiopia: Ambassador Knapp
Jul 31, 2024 986
Addis Ababa July 31/2024 (ENA) Austria is keen to enhance both bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Ethiopia across various fields of common interest, according to Simone Knapp, Austrian Ambassador to Ethiopia. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ambassador Simone Knapp said Austria and Ethiopia enjoy excellent diplomatic relations, paving the way for further collaboration and mutual benefit. She added that in early December 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Vienna. The visit was highly successful, engaging discussion with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, and covered a wide range of bilateral issues and exploring numerous cooperation opportunities. Additionally, our Foreign Minister visited Ethiopia two years ago. Overall, the two countries enjoy very strong and productive relations, Simone Knapp explained. “The key areas of cooperation between Austria and Ethiopia are in the fields of diplomatic relations or political discussions. We also have economic cooperation which is small, but we still want to expand. We do have joint cooperation plan in the area of economy, economic cooperation. Just in a couple of months in October this year; we are planning to bring Austrian companies, businesses to Ethiopia.” Also, we are collaborating with the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) to facilitate B2B meetings with Austrian experts in the field of investment in Ethiopia, she said. As an embassy, we can focus on two key actions: bringing Austrian companies to Ethiopia and highlighting opportunities for collaboration, Simone Knapp added. The ambassador added this involves working with EIC and other authorities to showcase Ethiopia's potential and identify connections between our two countries. We can also collaborate on highlighting the framework in which Ethiopia offers for businesses, including its business environment and opportunities for investment, she said. There are diverse opportunities in Ethiopia, including energy solutions, waste management, health, and production, particularly in the expanding city of Addis Ababa. “I really think that Austria and Ethiopia have a lot in common when it comes to multilateral interest and cooperation in the multilateral field. Austria, Vienna is a UN city and capital. We have a lot of UN organizations based in Vienna, and Ethiopia, Addis Ababa is a host country not only to the African Union, but also to the United Nations and UNECA which shows already that both countries have a big interest in the multilateral system.” Together with our permanent representations in New York and Geneva, we are fostering strong cooperation across various fields, including peace and security, human rights, transparency, and crime prevention. According to the ambassador, the prospects for future cooperation are very promising, and there are opportunities to expand our collaboration across various areas. In addition to economic cooperation, we are also working together in the field of university partnerships. Austria and Ethiopia have several university cooperation programs in place, involving various institutions across both countries, which is excellent, the ambassador elaborated. This year, the Austrian Embassy celebrated its 60th anniversary here in Addis Ababa.
Nile Basin Commission Vital to Ensuring Equitable, Sustainable Utilization of Shared River
Jul 30, 2024 1425
Addis Ababa July 30/2024 (ENA) Nile Basin Commission would be a pivotal step towards creating internationally accepted institutional base vital to ensuring equitable and sustainable development on the Nile River, Ethiopia’s Water and Energy State Minister, Ambassador Asfaw Dingamo remarked. The Nile Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA), a product of over a decade of negotiations among Nile Basin countries, outlines rights and obligations for the development of the Nile Basin water resources, promotes the equitable and reasonable utilization of the River. However, at least six countries should ratify the framework to establish the Nile Basin Commission to promote and facilitate the implementation of the CFA. South Sudan has become the latest country to ratify the CFA, following Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi. To activate the Commission, two-thirds of signatory countries must ratify the agreement. With South Sudan's parliamentary approval, this threshold is within reach. The Commission will be tasked with establishing a robust international framework for utilizing the river's resources. Spearheaded by Ethiopia, the agreement has now garnered support from riparian states, with South Sudan being the most recent signatory. The agreement seeks to establish equitable water sharing, foster regional collaboration, and safeguard the Nile's ecosystem. State Minister of Water and Energy, Ambassador Asfaw Dingamo, who had also served as Ethiopia’s negotiator over the past years, emphasized Ethiopia's leading role in advocating for equitable and reasonable use of Nile waters. He said the establishment of Nile Basin Commission as envisaged in the CFA would be a pivotal step to ensuring equitable utilization and sustainable development on the Nile River for shared development by creating internationally accepted legal institutional framework. The establishment of the Nile Basin Commission, as outlined in the agreement, will mark a significant milestone. The Commission will be responsible for overseeing water allocation, management, and development among member states, operating under internationally recognized legal and institutional guidelines. The state minister urged remaining countries to expedite the ratification process to ensure the Commission's swift establishment and operation reiterating Ethiopia's commitment to supporting the Commission's work and securing its international recognition. The country envisions the Commission as a global model for water resource management, incorporating factors like water flow, hydrological conditions, and meteorological data to determine equitable allocations. The priority now is to officially establish the Commission and ensure its smooth operation. Ethiopia remains committed to leading efforts to gain international recognition for this crucial body, Asfaw stated.
Neighboring Military Officers Laud Ethiopia's Commitment for Continental Peace, Security
Jul 29, 2024 1820
Addis Ababa ,July 29/2024(ENA)- Neighboring African military officers emphasized Ethiopia's exceptional contribution to the continent's peace and security, which goes back to the African liberation movement. Defense War College of Ethiopia graduated military officers from Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Somaliland, Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi.   The officers attended short and long term courses in military security and strategic leadership fields. Speaking to ENA, the graduates commended Ethiopia for its strong collaboration with the neighboring countries in the field of military and its longstanding support to the freedom of African countries.. Kenyan Brigadier General Osald Odour Opiyo said that the training he received in the college for ten months he has provided him enormous skills and experiences to effectively fulfill his country’s obligations. The War College also enabled him to understand and learn the wisdom of Ethiopians in achieving black victory against Italian colonizer at the battle of Adwa, he added, noting that the training will further strengthen regional and continental cooperation in response to peace and security threats of the region like terrorism. Moreover, he hailed Ethiopia’s contribution for regional and continental peace since the reigme of Emperor Haile Selassie, playing a great role in establishing the organization of African Unity to ensure peace and security and supporting anti colonial struggles in Africa. “The role of Ethiopia in peace and security goes back to many years. Emperor Haile Selassie’s contribution for providing training grounds for a few of African liberation forces gave a lot of African countries independence…” Ethiopia’s Pan-Africanism movement dated back to the struggle for colonial independence and the nation is currently carrying out its mission of fighting against terrorism by deploying its peacekeeping mission, Brigadier General Opiyo stressed.   South Sudanese Colonel Mangong Anyijong Dut on his part said he has received the knowledge of military security and strategic leadership in theory and practice at the college. The knowledge and experience of military leadership he has earned in the college will help him to strengthen regional and continental cooperation among African countries, he added. Ethiopia is a great country that has been playing an important and positive role in African affairs, he said, lauding the country for its commitment to the issues of continental freedom, peace and security in all regimes since Emperor Haile Selassie. Ethiopia provided support for Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkurumah and other African leaders in fight against colonial struggle in Africa, he explained, adding that the successive regimes after Emperor Haile Selassie also supported South Sudan for its independence that demonstrates Ethiopia's commitment for continental freedom, peace and security. “Ethiopia’s role in African issues is always vital and positive. Its role started long time ago, he said.   Colonel Ahmed Aideed Omer of Somaliland on his part expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian government, the National Defense Force and the War College for the opportunities provided for him that would enhance his military capacity of his country and he recalled that he had previously received training at the Hurso Contingent Military Training School of Ethiopia. He added that Ethiopia is a great nation that has been playing a constructive role in maintaining the peace and security of the region by combating against terrorism.
Ethiopia Expresses Dismay Over Irresponsible Statements Made by Senior Officials of Somalia's Gov't 
Jul 26, 2024 1949
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia expressed dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia. In a statement released by the Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today Ethiopia is closely following the repeated provocative statements by the Government of Somalia. Contrary to the baseless accusations of the government of Somalia, Ethiopia has rather been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades, Office of the Spokesperson underlined. “Ethiopia is, thus, dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia.” Bearing in mind its strong conviction for regional interdependence, the statement said, adding that cultural ties and historical relationships cemented with blood and sweat, Ethiopia did not choose to respond to the baseless accusations of the authorities in Somalia. Ethiopia, rather, preferred the path of patience and positive engagement for the common good of our peoples, statement added. "It should be underlined that, Ethiopia is deeply concerned about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the Horn of Africa," Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. As the region is challenged by ongoing conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, as well as unsecured borders, it is imperative for countries of the region to coordinate their efforts in fighting such crimes, it said. Ethiopia reiterated its steadfastness in fighting terrorism and proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms, light weapons and Improvised Explosive Devices. "Ethiopia will continue to stand on the side of the brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation," statement stressed.      
Ethiopian News Agency