Ethiopia Gives Priority to Enhance National Capacity in AI
Jul 26, 2024 2042
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA)-A strategy and operational planning documents have been prepared to implement Ethiopia’s national artificial intelligence policy, National Artificial Intelligence Institute remarked. Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilized in several economic, social and security areas in countries across the world. Ethiopia has accomplished various tasks particularly after the reform in utilizing AI technologies for social, economic, security and political purposes by establishing institution tasked with developing the sector. So far various activities have been conducted to make the country competitive in the sector. On its 37 Regular Session conducted this Ethiopia year, the Council of Ministers has passed a resolution to implement the National AI Policy which was developed during the course of the reform program in the country. Executive Director of the National Institute of AI, Worku Gachena told ENA that it took two years to prepare the policy document. He added that the government has prepared the policy document for AI by benchmarking the experience of other countries and by engaging pertinent professionals in the sector to effectively fulfil its goals of preparing the policy document. The Executive Director noted that many countries do not have such policy at their disposal and remarked that this shows the extent to which the government has prioritized activities to be accomplished in the sector. He said the policy provides an opportunity for all Ethiopians at overseas who wish to engage in the sector and develop personal and national capacity by operating in the sector.    
Ethiopia, China Reaffirm Commitment to Reinforce Cooperation in Science & Technology 
Jul 25, 2024 2447
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA)The governments of Ethiopia and China reaffirmed commitment to further reinforce their cooperation in the field of science and technology. The two countries demonstrated this remark at the 3rd Ethiopia-China Joint Committee Meeting on Scientific and Technology cooperation held today in Addis Ababa. The joint committee meeting discussed on range of issues including exchange of science and technology policies, people to people ties in science and technology, cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ethiopia Research institutes, and the 'Belt and Road Joint laboratory. During the discussion, Innovation and Technology Minister Belete Molla said this joint committee meeting marks a significant milestone in the two country’s bilateral cooperation in the field of science and technology as they come together to strengthen their partnership, exchange ideas, and chart a path towards mutual progress and innovation. The discussion underscores the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in advancing scientific research, technological development and sustainable growth, he added. Briefing overview of Ethiopia's science, technology and innovation policies and initiatives the minister said that in recent years, Ethiopia has made significant strides in harnessing the power of science, technology, and innovation to drive economic growth, social development, and sustainable progress. “Our government recognizes the pivotal role that technological advancement plays in shaping our future and enhancing the well-being of our citizens,” Belete noted.   Ethiopia has implemented a comprehensive set of policies and programs aimed at fostering conducive environment for scientific research, technological innovation, and knowledge transfer, he added. Through strategic partnerships with both domestic and international stakeholders, Belete remarked that Ethiopia is working towards building a robust innovation ecosystem that nurtures talent, fosters creativity, and accelerates technological advancement. He highlighted Ethiopia’s endeavors to position the country as a regional hub for technological excellence and innovation by investing in research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders. “Through dialogue, cooperation and shared knowledge, we can unlock new opportunities for collaboration and co-creation in the field of science and technology.Together, let us work towards a future where innovation knows no boundaries and where our collective efforts pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.” Chinese Science and Technology Vice Minister Lin Xin on her part said the 3rd china and Ethiopia joint committee meeting on science and Technology aims to discuss science and technology cooperation for innovative development. Noting two joint committee meetings were held previously, she described today’s meeting as a new start to strengthen cooperation, expand cooperation fields, optimize modal of cooperation and inject more science and technology impetus as part of strengthening partnerships between the two countries. Since the two sides signed intergovernmental science and technology cooperation agreement in 2011, “we had conducted practical cooperation in science technology policies, joint research, science and technology and people-to-people exchanges and technology transfer,” she added.  
Ethiopian Coders Initiative Outcome of Close Strategic Cooperation, Says UAE Deputy Minister Lootah
Jul 24, 2024 2945
Addis Ababa July 24/2024 (ENA) The 5 Million Ethiopian Coders initiative is one of the outcomes of the close strategic cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia, UAE Cabinet Affair Competitiveness and Exchange of Experience Deputy Minister Lootah said. In his opening speech at the launching of the initiative, Abdullah Nasser Lootah stated that the 31 years old diplomatic relation between the UAE and Ethiopia has witnessed rapid growth and development. "We are meeting today for a new process of cooperation in the 5 Million Ethiopian Coders initiative, which is one of the outcomes of close strategic cooperation in knowledge exchange between the two countries." He revealed that the strategic cooperation was signed between the two countries last year in August in the presence of the leaders of the countries. According to him, the initiative revolved around 6 basic axes of cooperation in digital transformation, programming, government services, civil services, workforce and leadership, and capacity building. The United Arab Emirates aspires to establish more joint cooperations, including other priority areas, and register achievements for both our leadership and peoples, he added. ''In the words of His Highness Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, ' The race for excellence knows no end line.'" This guiding principle inspires us to continually strive towards progress and excellence and ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age, Lootah elaborated. He pointed out that today the two countries will begin a new phase of ambition and achievement. "Let us (therefore) draw inspiration from the words of His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed in his famous saying, 'Our future is in the hands of our youth.''' Lootah added that the initiative of five million Ethiopian programmers, under the slogan “Unlocking Talent for a New Tomorrow,” is not just a slogan that adorns the initiative, but rather a reality in which we believe with the deepest faith. The deputy minister further said that the initiative of 5 Million Ethiopian Coders is a bold and forward-looking step towards preparing young people in Ethiopia for the requirements of the twenty-first century by providing them with basic digital skills. Providing young people with knowledge is not only to prepare them for the jobs of the future, but also instill in them a culture of innovation and business leadership. The initiative has 4 different educational tracks: Android development, basics of data science, programming, and basics of artificial intelligence, it was stated. Lootah underscored that the joint efforts between the two countries reflect the strategic visions of the two leaderships, which depend on the shared values ​​and aspirations between the two brotherly countries.
Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative Gateway to Active Youth Participation in Digital Economy 
Jul 23, 2024 3786
Addis Ababa, July 23/2024 (ENA) The Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla, has announced that the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative will empower the youth to actively engage in the digital economy. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has officially launched the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative today, marking a significant milestone in the country’s digital transformation journey. This ambitious program, a collaborative effort between the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia, aims to provide online coding training to five million youth nationwide. The comprehensive training program focuses on key areas of modern technology, including web programming, Android app development, data science, and foundational digital skills in artificial intelligence. Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla, said that expanding the digital ecosystem is crucial for realizing a digitally empowered Ethiopia. He highlighted skill development as a cornerstone of this expansion, noting that concentrated efforts are underway to cultivate a workforce with the necessary knowledge and expertise in the field.   The minister stated that the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative will equip youth with the skills to actively participate in the digital ecosystem. He added that this initiative will pave the way for Ethiopia's advancement in the technology sector. Belete underscored that the initiative demonstrates the government's commitment to empowering youth, fostering innovation, and harnessing digital capabilities. The program will enable young people to become active participants and producers in the digital economy, he added. Emphasizing the holistic nature of digital skills, the minister noted that true digital proficiency extends beyond technological know-how to encompass a modern mindset. He urged young people to develop not only technical skills but also the cognitive and behavioral attributes necessary for success in the digital era. Belete called upon federal and regional government structures, private sector development partners, civil society organizations, and parents to play their respective roles in ensuring the initiative's success. Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah Nasser, stated that the initiative marks a new chapter in the partnership between Ethiopia and the UAE.   He affirmed his government’s commitment to exploring further areas of collaboration that will mutually benefit both nations. In related news, an executive leadership training program was also announced. This program, another joint effort between Ethiopia and the UAE, will cater to leaders from 15 government institutions. The six-month training will be delivered through a combination of online and in-person sessions. This comprehensive initiative aligns with Ethiopia's broader strategy to position itself as a hub of technological advancement and economic growth in an increasingly digital world, as outlined in Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's vision for the country's future.      
Ethiopia Striving To Equip Next Generation with Cutting-edge Digital Skills, Foster Mindset of Innovation: PM Abiy  
Jul 23, 2024 997
Addis Ababa June 23/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is carrying out activities aimed at equipping the next generation with cutting-edge digital skills and to foster a mindset of innovation, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed remarked. Today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has officially launched the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative. The initiative, implemented through collaboration between the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopian governments, aims to provide online coding training to 5 million youth nationwide. This forward-looking strategy aims to transform Ethiopia into a hub of technological advancement and economic growth, positioning the country for success in an increasingly digital world. During the launch, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that work is underway to establish a foundation for Ethiopia's prosperity by nurturing a generation equipped with digital capabilities and a future-oriented mindset. The training primarily focuses on web programming, Android based app development, data science, and foundational digital skills in artificial intelligence. The premier recalled the agreement signed between Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates to collaborate in various fields when UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed visited Ethiopia. He noted that this training program is an integral part of that agreement. Abiy stressed that Ethiopia's hope lies in its intellectually curious young citizens. He emphasized that Ethiopia's prosperity will be achieved by cultivating a generation with digital competence and a forward-thinking mindset.   In this context, he elucidated that the Five Million Coders Initiative is a project designed with this objective in mind. He underscored that the youth who will benefit from this initiative are expected to work collaboratively and synergistically to propel Ethiopia to a new heights in the digital realm. The Prime Minister also indicated that efforts to build a competent generation as a cornerstone for Ethiopia's prosperity will continue to be intensified in the future. Furthermore, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed disclosed that Ethiopia is working to strengthen its cooperation with the Middle Eastern countries, including the United Arab Emirates. He specifically mentioned that Ethiopia is closely collaborating with the UAE on matters related to generational capacity building. The Prime Minister affirmed that the two countries will continue to focus on reinforcing partnerships to realize Ethiopia's prosperity in the future.          
ICS Working to Commence E-passport Vital to Curb Fake Documents, Enhance Efficiency
Jul 12, 2024 2683
Addis Ababa July12/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s Immigration and citizenship service (ICS) revealed consolidated efforts to commence E-passport service with a view to curb illegal activities and modernize the country’s passport system. A new Ethiopian E-passport service is expected to offer enhanced security features and improved efficiency for ICS which has been grappling with a backlog of passport applications, it was indicated. In her media briefing today on the performance of her institution in the concluded fiscal year, Immigration and citizenship service Director General Selamawit Dawit said concerted efforts are being intensified to introduce E-passport. According to her, digital design has been finalized in an effort to implement this new passport service in the country. The purpose is to curb fake documents in addition to providing efficient services to customers, Selamwit noted. The commencement of E-passports in the country will also contribute to saving foreign currency expenses to print passports abroad, she added. The Director General also revealed that the residence permit identification card issued to foreign nationals and IDs to Ethiopian origins residing abroad will also be electronic supported.   The Immigration and citizenship service has issued IDs to over 51, 000 members of the Ethiopian diaspora, of whom 65 percent arrived in the country as part of the invitation extended by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Deputy Director General of ICS, Gosa Demise said for his part. During the year, ICS has also issued permanent and temporary resident permit IDs to over 34,000 foreign citizens. More than 18, 000 foreigners who were living in Ethiopia without legal documents have been deported with penalty.        
Ethiopia's New Digital Strategy Poised to be Transformative for Government’s Digital Future: Innovation Minister  
Jul 11, 2024 2946
Addis Ababa, July 11/2024 (ENA) The Digital Government Strategy and Government Enterprise Architecture 2024-2029 is poised to be transformative blue print for the government’s digital future, Innovation and Technology Minister Belete Molla said. Opening the workshop on the final review of the new strategy today, the minister stated that the new draft strategy builds upon the success and lessons of the ongoing strategy. For him, the new digital national e-government strategy is poised to be a transformative blue print for the government’s digital future. The development of the current strategy has prioritized continuous stakeholder involvement and input collection. Hence, the workshop marks the final stage before the strategy is submitted to government’s approval, he said.   “This strategy is not merely a document. It is a vision for a digitally empowered Ethiopia. It incorporates international best practices and adheres to key principles that will guide our digital transformation journey.” The Digital Government Strategy and Enterprise Architecture 2024-2029 is prepared by Ministry of Innovation and Technology, in partnership with DT-Global and with the financial support of the European Union, it was learned. Addressing the workshop, EU Delegation to Ethiopia Cooperation Head Roberto Schiliro stated that digital governance allows the government to provide efficient services.   Noting that it is also an important step to develop a market-led economy based on open communication and transparency, he reiterated that the EU remains steadfast to support Ethiopia achieve its goal in digital transformation, improve business environment and investment climate. The Comprehensive government enterprise architecture of Ethiopia has been developed as part of the new e-government strategy and seeks to ensure that the digital government ecosystem is built on a firm and scientific foundation.  
Workshop Explores AfCFTA Digital Protocol, Impacts on E-Commerce
Jul 3, 2024 4572
Addis Ababa, July 3/2024(ENA)- workshop on exploring the intricacies of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Digital Trade Protocol (AfCFTA Digital Protocol) and its impact on e-commerce in Africa was held in Addis Ababa today. The workshop on Annexes to the Digital Trade Protocol and eCommerce was conducted against the backdrop of the recently adopted AfCFTA Digital Protocol by the 37th African Union Heads of States Summit in February 2024.   In his opening remark, Innovation and Technology State Minister Yishrun Alemayehu emphasized the workshop's crucial role in fostering knowledge exchange, collaboration, and strategic discussions. He added that the ministry is committed to supporting the ICT sector that benefits from the AfCFTA by creating conducive environment. According to him, the workshop was expected to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration and strategic dialogue. Participants were expected to explore strategies for fostering a thriving online marketplace environment and facilitating seamless cross-border transactions, it was learned. It was also anticipated to go beyond the AfCFTA Digital Protocol by delving into the complexities of domestic and cross-border e-commerce in Africa, Yishrun further emphasized the need for action, urging participants to engage in open dialogue, share expertise, and contribute to this critical effort. By harnessing the power of digital trade, African nations can drive economic prosperity and create a more inclusive future for all.      
Online Consultation Platform to Gather Public Opinion on Draft Bills Inaugurated
Jul 2, 2024 4602
Addis Ababa, July 2/2024(ENA)Online consultation platform, code named E-Consultation, developed to gather public opinion on draft bills inaugurated today. The online platform is prepared by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in collaboration with Ministry of Justice and EU. The online application would enable the public to post their opinions and recommendations on draft laws and regulation that are issued by various institutions prior to their final approval. State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yishirun Alemayhu said on the occasion that the online technology will be instrumental to redress grievances that might be voiced by the public and will help to enhance public participation by expressing their opinions on draft laws and regulation online before they are approved. He added that the Ministry of Innovation and Technology is working with stakeholders to ensure equity in the administration of justice by using digital technologies. Justice State Minister Belayehun Yirga said that the E-Consultation will curtail physical presence of the public in their attempts to forward their comments and suggestions as it would enable them provide comment right from where they are. He added that a directive that provides for the participation of the public on drafting laws is prepared to ensure that public opinions and comments are properly incorporated in the process of drafting bills. Representative of the EU, Leul Habte for his part stated that the EU will continue to support Ethiopia’s efforts to increase efficiency on trade. In the meantime, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Ministry of Justice have inked MoU pertaining to their collaboration to ensure the effective utilization of the new technology that has just been developed. State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yisherun Alemayehu and State Minister of Justice Belayihun Yirga has signed the MoU on behalf of their respective ministries.  
Ethiopia's House Speaker, Azerbaijani Minister and COP-29 President Discuss Climate Action
Jul 1, 2024 3021
Addis Ababa, July 1/2024 (ENA) House of Peoples' Representatives (HPR) Speaker Tagesse Chafo and a high-level delegation from Azerbaijan led by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev, who is COP-29 President, exchanged ideas on strengthening cooperation and addressing global climate challenges today. The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) will convene in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, it was indicated. During the discussion, Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative, and COP29 emerged as key points of discussion, in addition to the need to strengthen bilateral and multilateral issues to tackle global challenges. HPR Speaker Tagesse Chafo focused on amplifying efforts to tackle climate change, highlighting the success of Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative. He emphasized the need for increased collaboration and experience sharing, alongside ensuring the long-promised 1 billion USD in climate finance is delivered. Tagesse stressed the importance of translating climate conferences' decisions into concrete action, including at the upcoming COP29, which presents an opportunity to accelerate international efforts toward climate action. Ethiopia, the speaker reaffirmed, remains committed to partnering with Azerbaijan and the international community to combat climate change. Tagesse emphasized the importance of knowledge and experience exchange in tackling climate change effectively. The Speaker also underscored the need to strengthen early warning systems to build resilience against climate-induced disasters. Ethiopia expressed its full support to Azerbaijan as it assumes the presidency of COP29. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev clarified that the purpose of the visit is to understand climate change actions in Ethiopia. He highlighted that Azerbaijan also faces its share of climate challenges, including droughts and floods and expressed his country's interest in learning from Ethiopia's experience in climate change mitigation. The Minister emphasized that it is daunting for countries to tackle climate change effects separately and stressed the importance of regional and global cooperation in tackling the challenge. The speaker also accepted invitation to visit Azerbagian and he accepted it. Following the discussions, both delegations participated in a symbolic tree planting ceremony within the parliament compound, underscoring the shared commitment of Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to environmental protection and combating climate change. The Ethiopian delegation included Planning and Development Minister Fitsum Asefa and Foreign Affairs State Minister Misganu Arga. Representing Azerbaijan were the Ambassador to Ethiopia and representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ecology and Natural Resources. This high-level meeting signifies a renewed commitment from both Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to collaborate on climate action and build a more resilient future for all.
Discussion Held with CNNC on Potential Collaboration in Nuclear Energy in Ethiopia 
Jul 1, 2024 1705
Addis Ababa, July 1/2024 (ENA) In a recent development towards advancing nuclear cooperation for peaceful purposes, Ethiopia's Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla and delegates from China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) have engaged in discussions on potential collaboration in the nuclear energy sector. The focus of these talks includes exploring ways to enhance infrastructure development for peaceful nuclear programs. During the occasion, the minister explained that Ethiopia has taken a significant step towards harnessing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes by signing an agreement with ROSATOM to construct essential infrastructure. This partnership aims to facilitate the utilization of nuclear energy in various sectors to support the country's developmental goals. Furthermore, delegates from the CNNC have shown interest in expanding their cooperation beyond infrastructure development, delving into areas such as Human Resource Development, creating an enabling environment for those Ethiopian universities that have a curriculum in the areas of nuclear energy, to ensure the sustainable growth and utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. These discussions highlight the importance of international collaboration in promoting nuclear energy for peaceful applications, paving the way for advancements in clean energy solutions and technological innovation, according to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.      
Youth Digital Engagement Platform Launched in Ethiopia
Jun 13, 2024 4557
Addis Ababa, June 13/2024(ENA)- A digital engagement platform for adolescents and young people, U-Report, was launched in Ethiopia today. The platform that enables the youth to exchange ideas, views, and concerns was launched by Ministry of Women and Social Affairs in partnership with UNICEF. U-Report is free and easy SMS tool for community participation designed to address issues that the population cares about, it was learned. During the launching ceremony, Women and Social Affairs Minister Ergoge Tesfaye said the U-Report in Ethiopia is not just a technological advancement but also a testament to the commitment to empowering young Ethiopians and giving them a voice in the decisions that shape their future. According to her, the launch is a bold step forward in fostering a culture of civic engagement where young citizens are not merely bystanders but also active agents of change. U-Report will provide the opportunity for young people to participate in regular poll surveys, engage with Chatbots, take part in youth activities in their local communities and share their perspectives on a wide range of topics from education and employment to healthcare and social issues, the minister noted. She also stated that the initiative aims to promote critical thinking and constructive discussions among youth while providing them with a youth engagement platform to share their concerns, participate in surveys and Chatbot training and develop their skills while maintaining anonymity. This direct communication platform will not only empower the youth but also provide invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders, allowing them to make more informed decisions that better address the needs and aspirations of the next generation, Ergoge stated. "This momentous occasion marks a significant step forward in empowering our nation's young people, who make up nearly 70 percent of our population as Ethiopia is home to one of the youngest demographics in the world." UNICEF representative in Ethiopia, Aboubacar Kampo, said on his part that young people have a great potential to fostering positive development and progress within any society. "By investing in education, skill- building, and creating an enabling environment, UNICEF, along with the government and other partners, can empower young Ethiopians to unlock their full potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond, " he noted. Globally, U-Report is partnering with more than 35 million U- Reporters in 99 countries worldwide. U-Report is available via numerous social media including Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger having two main functions in collecting adolescent and young opinions via polls communicating information to support their well-being and skills development, it was indicated. The platform is available in different languages in Ethiopia, including Amharic, Oromiffa,Somali, and Tigrinya and young people can become U-Reporters by sending the word JOIN in these languages via the telegram bot ( bot) or the website (  
Global Startup Founders Laud Ethiopia’s Incredibly Encouraging Ecosystem for Startuppers  
Jun 4, 2024 6007
Addis Ababa June 4/2024 (ENA) The Government of Ethiopia is creating an incredibly encouraging ecosystem for Startuppers, Global Startup founders told ENA. Global Startup CEO and Founder Kim Balle, and Global Innovation Initiative Group ( GllG) Co-Founder Jo Griffiths had an exclusive interview with ENA. During the interview, Global Startup CEO and Founder Kim Balle said noted that the Ethiopian government has created a healthy eco-system for start ups. According to him, a lot of entrepreneurs and founders are going down due to the loss of support from national agency and the government globally. Therefore, the support for startuppers like the Government of Ethiopia would enable them to enhance their creativity. Besides, the holding of awarding ceremonies like the one which took place on Monday creates access to investment and knowledge that help to improve skills, have role model and strive to something very important, the CEO elaborated. The startuppers can for their part create a big impact on their families, the country and the globe as well, Balle stated. The founder further elaborated that one of the great challenges globally in the future is to produce food, unless it is supported in updated technologies. In this regard, Ethiopia is the number one in agri start ups. So Ethiopia can contribute new solutions not only for Africa but also for the globe, Balle said. Global Innovation Initiative Group ( GllG) Co-Founder, Jo Griffiths on her part said the Government of Ethiopia is incredibly encouraging startuppers.   Ethiopia's commitment to startup is incredibly encouraging, she underscored, adding that the impact is visible in various activities such as Ethiopia hosting this Start Up Award Program. "We observed significant solutions in coming in agri-tech, financial inclusion, and education, among others, especially from Ethiopia where there is incredible increase in technology in the agriculture sector .'' The Start Up Award Program is organized by Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Labor and Skills, and Global Startup Awards.
Ethiopia’s Ambassador Highlights Africa’s Remarkable Surge in Digital Drowth 
Jun 1, 2024 6252
Addis Ababa, June 1/2024 (ENA) Ethiopian Ambassador in India, Demeke Atnafu underscored Africa’s remarkable surge in digital growth, transforming various aspects of its socio-economic landscape. Ambassador Demeke made the remark at the International Conference on Digital Growth in Africa to celebrate Africa Day 2024 at University of Delhi, organized by the Department of African Studies, according to Embassy of Ethiopia in New Delhi. As a Chief Guest, the ambassador delivered speech on the topic with prelude to the important of celebrating African Day with reference to independent movement in Africa. Ambassador Demeke underscored Africa’s remarkable surge in digital growth, transforming various aspects of its socio-economic landscape. From the expansion of mobile connectivity to the proliferation of e-commerce platforms and the emergence of tech startups, digital technologies are reshaping how Africans interact, communicate, and do business. With regard to Ethiopia, Ambassador Demeke highlighted that as a fast-growing economy, digitization is at the core of everything in Ethiopia, such as in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and services. In 2020 Ethiopia initiated Digital Ethiopia 2025, a strategy that aims to leverage digitally enabled pathways to foster inclusive national prosperity through boosting economic growth, enhancing public services, and fostering social development. Telecommunication reforms, including the liberalization of the telecom sector in 2020, have introduced competition, improved services, and made internet access more accessible and affordable. In his concluding remark, Ambassador Demeke emphasized that through strengthened Africa -India relations, we can create a future where both regions thrive in the digital era.  
Ethiopian News Agency