Global Startup Founders Laud Ethiopia’s Incredibly Encouraging Ecosystem for Startuppers  

Addis Ababa June 4/2024 (ENA)  The Government of Ethiopia is creating an incredibly encouraging ecosystem for Startuppers, Global Startup founders told ENA.

Global Startup CEO and Founder Kim Balle, and Global Innovation Initiative Group ( GllG) Co-Founder Jo Griffiths had an exclusive interview with ENA.

During the interview, Global Startup CEO and Founder Kim Balle said noted that the Ethiopian government has created a healthy eco-system for start ups.

According to him, a lot of entrepreneurs and founders are going down due to the loss of support from national agency and the government globally.

Therefore, the support for startuppers like the Government of Ethiopia would enable them to enhance their creativity.

Besides, the holding of awarding ceremonies like the one which took place on Monday creates access to investment and knowledge that help to improve skills, have role model and strive to something very important, the CEO elaborated.

The startuppers can for their part create a big impact on their families, the country and the globe as well, Balle stated.

The founder further elaborated that one of the great challenges globally in the future is to produce food, unless it is supported in updated technologies.

In this regard, Ethiopia is the number one in agri start ups. So Ethiopia can contribute new solutions not only for Africa but also for the globe, Balle said. 

Global Innovation Initiative Group ( GllG) Co-Founder, Jo Griffiths on her  part said the Government of  Ethiopia is incredibly encouraging startuppers.


Ethiopia's commitment to startup is incredibly encouraging, she underscored, adding that  the impact is visible in various activities such as Ethiopia hosting this Start Up Award Program.     

"We observed  significant solutions in coming in agri-tech, financial inclusion, and education, among others, especially from Ethiopia where there is incredible increase in technology in the agriculture sector .''

The Start Up Award Program is organized by Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Labor and Skills, and Global Startup Awards.

Ethiopian News Agency