Discussion Held with CNNC on Potential Collaboration in Nuclear Energy in Ethiopia 

 Addis Ababa, July 1/2024 (ENA) In a recent development towards advancing nuclear cooperation for peaceful purposes,  Ethiopia's Minister of  Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla and delegates from China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) have engaged in discussions on potential collaboration in the nuclear energy sector. 

The focus of these talks includes exploring ways to enhance infrastructure development for peaceful nuclear programs.

During the occasion, the minister explained that Ethiopia has taken a significant step towards harnessing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes by signing an agreement with ROSATOM to construct essential infrastructure. 

This partnership aims to facilitate the utilization of nuclear energy in various sectors to support the country's developmental goals.  

Furthermore, delegates from the CNNC have shown interest in expanding their cooperation beyond infrastructure development, delving into areas such as Human Resource Development, creating an enabling environment for those Ethiopian universities that have a curriculum in the areas of nuclear energy, to ensure the sustainable growth and utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

These discussions highlight the importance of international collaboration in promoting nuclear energy for peaceful applications, paving the way for advancements in clean energy solutions and technological innovation,  according to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.




Ethiopian News Agency