Financing for Dev’t Conference Revitalizes Ethiopia's Ability to Organize Global Events 

Addis Ababa August 2/2024 (ENA)The First Preparatory Session of the 4th Conference on Financing for Development held in Addis Ababa last week has revitalized the conference tourism,  boosted Ethiopia's image demonstrating the country's ability to host successful international meetings, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla said.   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Nebiyu Tedla held biweekly press briefing today. 

Nebyu said the 24 newly appointed ambassadors who sworn in yesterday in the presence of President Sahle-work Zewde have all worked in the ministry.

The appointment of all the ambassadors from the ministry is a new trend, spokesperson disclosed. 

The ambassadors are expected to play a crucial role in advancing diplomacy and national interest, he said.  

The spokesperson also spoke about the successful outcomes of the First Preparatory Session of the 4th Conference on Financing for Development held in Addis Ababa from July 22 to 26.

According to him, the conference attracted over 1,000 participants from 140 countries, including 40 ministers.  

About 12 sideline meetings were held during the conference where Ethiopia voiced development concerns of developing countries. 

Sideline meetings also created opportunities for Ethiopian authorities, high-level officials from participating countries and leaders of multilateral organizations to discuss various issues of mutual concern.

“We saw the conference as a big achievement as it re-stimulates our ability to organize such inter-governmental conferences.”

According to him, the event revitalized the conference tourism industry and boosted Ethiopia's image while demonstrating Ethiopia's ability to host successful international meetings.

The conference has contributed a lot for Ethiopia’s diplomacy, economy and image building, he noted.

This conference rebuked the false claims that Ethiopia is unable to organize such conferences following the COVID-19 pandemic and other problems, he stressed.

Additionally, the ministry has actively engaged with China, Italy and Greek to strengthen bilateral relations over the past weeks. 

The briefing session also highlighted investment opportunities currently being discussed with visiting members of the Ethiopia-China Friendship and Cooperation Committee. 

He also mentioned ongoing efforts to ensure the well-being of Ethiopian migrants stranded in some countries.

Ethiopian News Agency